Dozens of Mississippi Cottages Condemned after Gustav

By | September 29, 2008

  • September 29, 2008 at 12:57 pm
    Red says:
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    I’m amazed how many people chose to live their apparently non-productive lives in hurricane/flood prone areas, then whine about who will take care of them when the _ hit hits the fan. Whatever happened to common sense, personal responsibility, and self-reliance? How long will our society continue to foot the bill for these people? There’s plent of vacant housing in Detroit and they don’t get hurricanes there. Why not relocate these indigents there ……..once, instead of having to cater to them evertime a storm comes in? I realize there are no jobs in Detroit, but since these people don’t work anyway it’s a wash.

  • September 30, 2008 at 8:13 am
    Sly says:
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    Congrats Red. You have articulated what many of us think. These people suck resources and contribute nothing to the country. You can understand somebody who’d down on their luck but most of these people haven’t done a damn thing to improve their lot. They sit around like pigeons and wait for a handout.

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