Drunk Driver Victims Urge Mississippi to Expand Use of Ignition Locks

January 26, 2009

  • January 26, 2009 at 12:59 pm
    DD72 says:
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    So, I really don’t like all the laws we have, but are they seriously saying it’s ok to give a 1st time offender a “one death rule,” like they do dog bites? Seriously! I think all vehicles should come with the breath-things installed to begin with. 1st offense, 2nd offense, whatever…one time drunk driving & killing is too much.

  • January 28, 2009 at 11:23 am
    Double Cola says:
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    I cannot imagine the physical and emotional pain that a victim of drunk driving must go through. I know only one person who habitually drove drunk and lost her license and her car. An interlock would not have stopped her since she would just get anoyher car that did not have an interlock. A second offense for drunk driving should result in a LONG prison sentence to prevent further offenses by the same person.

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