Tennessee’s Bluff City Not Fooling As Traffic Cameras Catch Speeders

February 23, 2010

  • February 23, 2010 at 12:30 pm
    Sick of them in AZ says:
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    Sure, go a few miles/hour over the posted limit (set by some bureaucrat behind a desk) and it costs you a couple of hundred bucks. But go rob a convenience store, and you’ll never get caught – unless they are in there buying donuts!!

  • February 23, 2010 at 1:00 am
    Mikey says:
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    I can imagine that people will be flocking to Bluff City to enjoy the crime free enviornment. It must be crime free since they are spending their resources on speeding tickets. Or is it a case of the city wants more money to waste on pet projects? I thought speed traps were a thing of the past!!

  • February 23, 2010 at 2:01 am
    Jack Johnson says:
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    If people weren’t speeding, what difference would cameras make anyway?

  • September 3, 2010 at 10:52 am
    john says:
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    Indeed the speeding cameras are a needed thing in our society in which everyone seems to be in a hurry but not in bluff city. First of all of course chief Nelson wants them in Bluff City if nothing else but to fill his pockets or maybe buy some new patrol cars. This is not because they need new patrol cars but because he probably has shot all of them up. You see chief Nelson was a deputy in carter county several years back and was fired when he opened fire and damaged his own cruiser for some unknown reason. So he goes to bluff city where they make him chief of police, this doesn’t even compare to mayberry. The plain and simple fact is that these are not accurate instruments. If you and another car are passing the camera point and you are doing 45 and he is doing 70 then you may be the one to receive the ticket because the instruments are not able to distinguish which car was actually speeding. I know this for a fact I have been in law enforcement for 11 years and i received a citation there but it was sent to an address that i had not lived at for 10 years and they are supposedlt sent to the information that is on your vehicle registration. So no they are not needed in a town where the chief is crazy and the law is adjusted to fit the needs of those in office. After all we left England 200 years ago to do away with this tyrany.

  • September 3, 2010 at 10:59 am
    aj says:
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    I received a citation in bluff city back in june of this year and when i was notified by letter i went to the city hall in bluff city to pay this fine because it was possible that i was speeding or that my wife was. When I got there and told the lady at city hall that I was there to pay a citation she aske dif I had my copy. I told her that it was a camera citation and that I did not have my letter with me. She then got her supervisor and I had to go through the whole story again. I spent 1 1/2 hours there for these two to tell me that they could not make me pay this citation because they did not receive a copy of it and later i found out that unless it is signed by an officer and you at the time of issue that it is not legal and can not be held against you legally.

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