West Virginia Doctor Probed Over Workers’ Compensation Prescriptions

By | April 5, 2010

  • April 5, 2010 at 1:28 am
    Anejo says:
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    With a headline like that I had to read and see if it was a proctologist.

  • April 5, 2010 at 3:16 am
    matt says:
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    I don’t know about this specific doctor and this article sounds damning, so maybe this physician was a real problem and someone that gives good pain management doctors a bad name.

    It is true howver that pain management in general is under attack from the feds. Doctors are increasingly fearful about prescribing medication which might really be warranted, since the DEA can swoop in and accuse them of being a drug dealer.

    All the people who cried about ‘death panels’ and government-controlled medicine ought to keep an eye on this trend.

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