Former Sen. Frist Backs State Health Insurance Exchanges

July 23, 2012

  • July 23, 2012 at 2:31 pm
    William S. Vaughn, ARM says:
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    The resistance to the exchanges by the Republican governors is purely an ideologically-driven campaign to prevent any vestige of competition with private-sector insurers. I will go on to repeat that, as a matter of public policy and simple decency, it’s immoral for profit-seeking insurers to economically exploit the suffering and infirmities of Americans. That’s exactly what happens when for-profit insurers divert funds that would otherwise go into payment of healthcare expenses into their own underwriting profit accounts. The is in fact no role for healthcare funding to even be provided by an “insurance “ mechanism as it does nothing but inflate healthcare costs by 35%. Taxpayer funded single payer like the rest of the industrialized world does it is the only rational alternative.

    • July 24, 2012 at 5:28 pm
      Expert Novice says:
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      I’ve heard it reported that elective procedures not covered by insurance have trended downward in the cost of treatment. I’ve also seen reports of general pratitioners who were able to drastically lower their prices by refusing to accept insurance as a form of payment. If that is true, then taking insurance out of the equation for non-catastrophic illness might help bring down healthcare costs through market forces. That wouldn’t solve all of the problem, but if there is a way to bring down the cost of healthcare it would mean more people could afford to pay for it without government assistance. If less people need assistance, then the cost to government would decrease as well.

  • July 24, 2012 at 7:49 am
    OldChurchGuy says:
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    You may very well be right, Mr. Vaughn. I would like to think the private sector can rise to the challenge of providing affordable health care and making a profit. But, perhaps I am dreaming.

  • August 5, 2012 at 11:40 pm
    socialists oppose capitalism says:
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    This bill is a big government takeover scheme; no Republican voted for this misnamed bill.
    More than healthcare will be mandated with this totalitarian control by government bureaus – this is the reason why Pelosi said we must pass the bill, then see what is in it. Passing the special interest big government supporters was most important – the millions of people now getting insurance will be paid by taxes from those that can “afford” to have insurance – nothing is going to change, except health “care” will be inadequate at best, paid by another tax taken from our check, by the IRS like Social Security.

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