Florida Regulators Allege Fraud by Allianz in Case of Failed Insurer

By | March 27, 2013

  • March 27, 2013 at 3:11 pm
    Gork says:
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    Isn’t that the same thing Tony Saprano and his guys did to the sporting goods store?

  • March 28, 2013 at 9:20 am
    Stush says:
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    Nice bit of the shell game, huh? Same thing happened with PHICO in Pennsylvania….in satisfying their obligations to their “owner/partner”, they depleted their reserves to the point of going belly-up. How could a business get away with that, especially in this business friendly environment where companies are supposed to have the same rights/privileges as persons? If I transferred my assets to another and plead empty pockets to my creditors, I would face criminal charges. Instead their obligations will be met by others, meaning all the other policyholders with solvent carriers. As I said, nice business model, very safe way to loan or invest…no risk involved at all. Sort of sounds more like cheating……

  • March 29, 2013 at 12:18 pm
    MeIsEinstein says:
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