Anchor P&C Is Newest Florida Homeowners Insurance Carrier

October 30, 2014

  • December 15, 2014 at 8:31 pm
    jeff says:
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    Just formed in Florida in October 2014

  • November 28, 2015 at 4:58 pm
    Jose says:
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    One of many ‘Take out’ FL homeowners policies. A M Best hasn’t rated. Their FL rater rates them all A+. If you are a present Citizens policy holder and you switch to another company and that company raises its rates, going back to Citizens will be a stunning surprise premium wise. Be so informed.

  • February 16, 2016 at 4:56 pm
    Robert Parker says:
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    Having Anchor insurance is a self inflicted nightmare . Get out of this company before you ever have to file a claim with them . They have only one plan to Avoid you and ware you down by stalling. I have complained to the State of Florida Insurance board – No help there .Worst mistake I ever made with insurance coverage.

  • May 17, 2016 at 11:46 am
    Bruno says:
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    Save yourself Robert Parker is right. Do diligent research before switching. They do not respond. They do not send out renewals and good luck getting them on the phone. Our agent even had trouble after we signed up.

  • May 19, 2016 at 5:29 pm
    Burt J says:
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    Received a letter from Anchor stating when my policy was switched from Citizens to Anchor it would be a certain amount, very close to what it was with citizens. When I received my Anchor statement it was 217.00 more than I paid at Citizens. Now that I switched and tried to go back with Citizens, a new policy had to be written by Citizens in it was 210.00 more than last year. Do not switch if you are with Citizens unless you are sitting with someone and they write you a policy while you are sitting there.

  • July 10, 2016 at 1:53 pm
    anonymous says:
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    I’m horrified reading these compalints–I got no notice that my insurance had switched and when it came up for renewal, I told my agent to increase my coverage. He did not. Now filing a claim for a tree fall more than 5wks. ago, still no settlement, no answers to specific details/questions, no amount disclosed yet and all of the things stated as ruined by the adjuster the first day, are being left off now/coordinated with their recommended general contractor to NOT be fixed. I sit here in hell waiting in dampness and ruin.

  • July 10, 2016 at 1:59 pm
    Cynthia says:
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    Delay?–they will let you die before settling a claim. They will slash down your claim from the adjuster’s first day list of ruin…and you are stuck, stuck, stuck. Do not know how they got me as I was not notified and only learned of this switch via renewal and my private agent, but this opt in/opt out process is not honorable, it is devious and corrupt. Delays carry a cost to one’s health. Citizen’s is way better. I’m in hell.

  • December 30, 2016 at 12:12 am
    Esther Fils says:
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    It is being a year since I filed a claim with, I am still waiting for an answer.

  • June 11, 2017 at 2:21 pm
    Ed Formosa says:
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    I have never made a complaint like this ever before, but people have to know. Anchor is absolutely the worst company I have ever dealt with. I would say the worst customer service, but they have no customer service at all. I am not sure how they stay in business. I filed a claim December 13, 2017. Lost my whole kitchen due to water damage. Kitchen was replaced April 21, 2017. I had to eat out everyday and night. I have $25k of additional living expenses. Anchor desk adjuster Crystal Ruston said to keep all receipts from restaurants and even grocery stores and send them to adjuster (Michael Feck) weekly and we would get paid quickly and not to worry. She gave us her word. As of April 2017 we still did not receive any reimbuprsements along with no return phone calls. Finally received a letter from Anchor in the mail that stated we were not going to get reimbursed because we had receipts from the grocery store. Anchor said if we had receipts from the grocery store we had a kitchen. I have pictures and a letter from the restoration company that proves otherwise. Just after the letter we received out of the blue an email from adjuster telling us to continue to send in our receipts. We called and left messages and even left messages for the VP of Claims who I believe is a coward. DONT TRUST THEM. I believe they misrepresented themselves and committed fraud. Florida Department of Business Regulation are useless too. They got Anchors answer to my complaint and didn’t even call me to counter there answer, but literally closed the case. I will continue to fight this. If thCe adjuster Michael Feck comes to your house don’t let him in. If you ever speak to a desk adjuster named Crystal Ruston, don’t believe a thing she says. She actually told the adjuster (who called us in May and acted dumb) that we never called her. As a matter of fact just get new insurance now before you have to file a claim.

  • August 28, 2018 at 11:33 am
    Maryann says:
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    This company has been trying to do better by bringing claims in house. Talked with an agent about them since they have an A+ demotech rating. We’ll see. Bad comments are from years ago.

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