Republicans in South Carolina to Introduce Medical Marijuana Bill

By | February 2, 2015

  • February 2, 2015 at 2:18 pm
    Gork says:
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    keep it. legalize it or just keep your patronizing, “medical use-only” crap. Historically you’re a bunch of moonshiners and present day alcoholics and now you want to let sick people use it under “very controlled” conditions? Next time you’re falling down drunk yelling racist things at people who don’t fetch your grits fast enough, remember this and just keep it….

  • February 2, 2015 at 2:39 pm
    Celtica says:
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    This is merely the first step in getting the local populace to accept the eventual legalization for all. A new source revenue for taxation.

  • February 2, 2015 at 2:43 pm
    Realist says:
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    Republicans are always on the cutting edge. Hic-up! Sorry, Gork…..

  • February 3, 2015 at 10:42 am
    BossIlluminati says:
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    Fastest growing industry in America? Legal marijuana, on fire….#1 crop in California and LEGAL in ALL west coast states….#$$$$GrowsOnTrees

    27 states and the DOC allow marijuana but NOT 1 southern state, lol, NOT 1!!!!!…..but the top ten incarcerators on the planet are all southern states…..nobody denies freedom and locks you up like the south

  • February 5, 2015 at 10:08 am
    David says:
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    Wait, what? A repuke republican thought of this? Hold the phones, I am buying a lottery ticket today!

  • March 9, 2015 at 9:22 am
    Rick says:
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    To Dr. Pearce. Prescribing Medical Marijuana would diminish the professionlism of MD’s! Are you kidding me? The drugs I was prescribed for my Secondary Progressive MS and associated symptoms were a disgrace! All I heard is they might help, could help……I felt sick and like a zombie laying on the sofa staring at the ceiling! You call this helping people? MS disabled me 5 years ago and ended my career as an engineering executive. I have since quit the prescribed drugs (Copaxone, Baclofen, Valium, Anti-depressants for pain and the drugs for the side affects of those drugs). After exhaustive research, I ventured into Medical Marijuana and the results have been profound! Is it a cure? Absolutely not, but for physical symptom management, including fatigue and overall quality of life, It has been tremendous. I am able to play a little golf again, do some yard work, exercise as required, etc.

    Dr. Pearce; your ignorance to truly helping people with medication that has proven, documented efficacy with very minimal side affects and NOT anecdotal, is diminishing the respect and how we view the medical profession. One of the main issues not discussed is BIG Pharma and the roll their strong lobbyists play. $$$$$$ play a huge role in this situation. You know exactly what I am alluding to.

    Put your political side in the closet and be the medical professional that you, number one took the oath for, be genuine and help people.

    Thank you.

  • March 13, 2015 at 11:28 am
    Rose Dubois says:
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    How is CANCER not on the agenda to save the people from the endless suffering, Its great that it is going to help seizures.. but what about the oil, that cures.. ALLLLL CANCERS. The Rick Simpson Oil. . How is this being put on the back burner.. and How is this a HARD SELL.. Tell me which one of those republicans had a child that suffered from epilepsy.. that is fighting for his own cause of the God given natural cure for many diseases.. This is Gods cure.. I dont understand how something can be taken so seriously, and fought for.. the cure of epilepsy, but not the disease that takes someone away from every family in the world. Cancer.. My mom is being cured today due to the simpson oil. her cancer has shrunk half the size,.. blood results reading negative for cancer.. for taking only the size of a grain of rice and a half a day. NO chemo, NO radiation, and NO surgery saved her.. Gods natural cure did.. and thousands of others.. who took the needed measure to not just stop their seizures.. or end pain.. but save their life.. it should be number one on the agenda for the republicans… first and foremost.. saving lives.

  • March 27, 2015 at 12:27 pm
    isaiah felts says:
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    i have to say this marijuana needs to be completely legal. but they will never legalize it because the gov’t gets paid for the number of people in jail or prison so why would they not lock people up for it because about 85% of inmates in Lexington county South Carolina are in jail for marijuana related “crimes”. i know a lot of people who would benefit from marijuana being legal. my grandma has IBS and muscle spasms. the only thing that helps her is to smoke the wounderful plant that GROWS naturally.

  • May 2, 2015 at 6:19 pm
    Ron says:
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    if i smoke cannabis at night, the whole next day i have absolutely no ocd symptons, where no medications have worked.

  • September 28, 2015 at 3:14 pm
    daniel bowers says:
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    I know of more people and friends who have died or been killed by tobacco and alchol than marijuanna, but yet our leaders turn a blind eye ,because of huge amounts of money from lobbist( which I think should be illegal to begin with )

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