West Virginia Supreme Court Rules Addicts Can Sue Pharmacies, Doctors

By | May 18, 2015

  • May 18, 2015 at 2:27 pm
    Agent says:
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    They could do the same thing with the VA who doesn’t know what they are doing so they prescribe, prescribe and prescribe some more and make addicts out of veterans.

  • September 14, 2015 at 1:06 am
    M says:
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    Now no doctors will prescribe pain meds at all. Further, they will have patients sign a contract that they do not prescribe pain meds, review medical records of new patients for chronic pain before considering taking them on as patients, and treat every patients as liars before proven innocent.
    Look to the Veteran’s Administration (VA) where the largest group of drug addicts in the country go for their pain meds fix. Unfortunately, the VA will side with the drug addicted veterans over the doctors b/c they don’t want to look bad. Now, the VA doctors will start looking for other areas of making a living.

  • October 5, 2015 at 10:32 am
    Stella Mossor says:
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    I went to a doctor in WV after living in Florida for two years and being prescribed oxycodone for back injuries. He originally gave me oxymorphone for my problems. Then he said he would no longer treat people for back injuries and said he wanted to test me for neuropothy. I paid 400 dollars for the test. Then he said a had a type of crippling neuropathy. Two years later he made me go for another test (same test) and pay another 400 dollars and said he doesn’t think I have that and he needed to further tests to see what was wrong. A month later he sent me a letter stating that he was cutting me off of my medication completely. Do I have a case against him as I am now addicted to this drug and am afraid of what this isgoing to do to me mentally and physically? Already I am sick at my stomach, can’t sleep,diarhia,and severe pain.

  • January 8, 2016 at 9:44 am
    Sheila Chappell says:
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    I am a 52 year old former ER nurse and have worked in several other areas in my career. The problem with this law is it allows the patient to assume no responsibility for their actions. It sad that in this country today everyone wants to blame someone else for their behavior. Will we start suing McDonald, Burger King or Hardee’s for our being overweight because they serve us food we ordered? What about stores that sell alcohol because someone sold them that extra beer that caused their blood alcohol to be twice the limit? Here in SC DHEC monitors our doctors prescribing narcotics. I don’t agree with any physician over prescribing medications that will harm a patient, however that should be a legal matter with criminal repercussion by state and medical boards. As an American I’m so tired of people not standing for their own actions and blaming others! It seems we have had leadership in the US that has enabled us to take no responsibility for anything we do-Just blame the next guy. There are alot of great physician who care about their patients and its not fair to put them in this position. I hope we start as Americans we become strong again and start making people responsible for their own actions!!!

    • January 8, 2016 at 11:21 am
      Agent says:
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      My wife has had 5 spinal operations with three being fusions. She has tried everything to relieve pain. She even had an electronic stimulator installed and it provides some relief. However, she does have a good pain management doctor who prescribes some meds that help. I hope he will be able to continue to practice.

    • March 20, 2016 at 8:45 pm
      madd mom says:
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      I think American lost ability to take responsibility when HMO’s took over and told Drs how to treat patients. When a patient comes in with an injury or problem with pain, minimal tests if any and send them off with meds. (that is what insurance allows), If that doesnt work, some physical therapy before adequate tests. by the time a correct diagnosis is gathered, the patient may have already become dependent of the pain meds. Unfortunately, patients are not given the choice of treatments-take the medication or dont, but that is all the choices given. Desperation leads to poor choices. I think the economy is so bad in WV that some medical professionals have turned to seeing the business in all of this. A few years ago by over-prescribing, and now through all this rehab such as Subutex and Seboxin. These drugs are prolonging the inevitable and are also now being abused as well, in spite of claims that they cant be abused-that is what they claimed about OXy. Some Drs lie. I had a psychiatrist tell me that particular drugs are very safe, and now learn that they are not. Then they say that we know more today than 5 yrs ago. I get that, but dont be pushing patients to take something with so little known about it.

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