Parents of Son Killed by Gator at Walt Disney World Won’t Sue

By | July 22, 2016

The parents of a toddler killed by an alligator at Walt Disney World said Wednesday that they don’t plan to sue the Florida theme park resort over the death.

Matt and Melissa Graves of Omaha, Nebraska, said in a statement that they want to focus on their family’s future health. A family spokeswoman, Sara Brady, said she couldn’t say whether a financial settlement had been reached with Disney World.

“The family is really focused on just moving forward and healing,” Brady said.

In their statement, the parents described themselves as “broken” by the death of their 2-year-old son, Lane.

“We will forever struggle to comprehend why this happened to our sweet baby, Lane,” they said. “As each day passes, the pain gets worse, but we truly appreciate the outpouring of sympathy and warm sentiments we have received from around the world.”

Disney World president George Kalogridis said in a statement the company continues to provide support for the family. A spokeswoman, Jacquee Wahler, wouldn’t elaborate further.

Authorities say an alligator pulled Lane Graves into the water June 14. His father said a second alligator attacked him as he tried to save his son.

Lane’s body was recovered the next day, and an autopsy showed he died from drowning and traumatic injuries.

After Lane’s death, Disney World made changes to limit possible visitor contact with alligators on the property.

Rope fences with netting were installed around some waterfront areas, and “No Fishing” signs were installed. Fishing at Disney World was changed to be limited only to excursions.


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  • August 1, 2016 at 11:45 am
    Jax Agent says:
    Disney doesn't want to have to post signs stating that alligators and poisonous snakes are prevalent on their properties at Disney World. Yet it is a reality that they will ne... read more
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    insurance_guy says:
    mrbob, I guess we can agree to disagree. First of all, lets start with the fact that a lawyer probably wasn't necessary because Disney most probably was proactive and gave the... read more
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