Appeals Court Reinstates Lawsuit of N.C. Woman Who Fell Off Operating Table

May 30, 2017

  • May 30, 2017 at 3:57 pm
    Agent says:
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    Hard to believe this case. Isn’t the patient under anesthesia while being operated on? How could the doctors be this incompetent?

  • May 30, 2017 at 5:00 pm
    London says:
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    Unless it was surgery which required real time sensory feedback, yes she would have been generally anesthetized. IF they needed sensory feedback, then their duty of care increased exponentially. A lot of the story is missing but it really doesn’t matter too much, however you look at the situation, how could the doctors and their staff allow this to happen?
    I will raise my hands and confess to not being a med-mal expert but how can this episode of medical malpractice be dismissed as a medical malpractice issue? Sure, it’s a negligence issue too and at least they accept that – but isn’t medical malpractice just a form of negligence specific to the medical field?
    I have close friends who work in the ER/OR and it’s kinda surprising these kind of things don’t happen more often….or perhaps they just don’t get found out !

  • June 2, 2017 at 1:28 pm
    yellowrose28 says:
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    “…the case is an ordinary negligence claim.” I think the judges and I have a different definition/understanding of “ordinary”!! This is horrible negligence! I just cannot even fathom it.

    “London”, I hope this is not a case of something that happens more often than we know, and they just got caught.

  • June 2, 2017 at 3:38 pm
    companyman says:
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    I was actually a juror in a court case where a person fell off the table and hit her head. She was a rather large woman and procedure is to belt them to the table in the event that the patient moves. Which they shouldn’t. In my case, they used a belt that was smaller than recommended. She was asking for 500k and we awarded her substantially less. Was it an error that caused her a minor injury and embarrassment? Yes. Was it worthy of a huge award to line her pockets. No. Was it worth a week in court having lawyers bloviate incessantly? NO..

    • June 5, 2017 at 12:13 pm
      mac42 says:
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      I’m sure it wasn’t on porpoise

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