Scott Issues Emergency Order to Florida Nursing Homes After 11 Patient Deaths

By | September 25, 2017

  • September 25, 2017 at 1:42 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    He might as well give them 6 months to comply. After 60 days hurricane season is over and the temperature starts cooling off as well. Get it in place before the next season.

    This is what I don’t like about the government and its watchdog agencies. Why didn’t they see this one coming and put rules in years ago. After Wilma, they put in rules for grocery stores and gas stations to have generators. Now they will act like heroes and government for the people by aggressively forcing nursing homes to have generators. Maybe those who lost a family member at this nursing home should be able to sue the government agency and staffers who couldn’t see this coming.

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