Jury Awards $7.5M to Alabama Man Injured at Walmart

November 14, 2017

  • November 14, 2017 at 1:32 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    I’ll bet he stops shopping at Walmart once that check clears!

  • November 14, 2017 at 1:42 pm
    Dave says:
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    $7.5mil for a slip/fall broken hip. No punitive damages.

    Just let that marinate a bit.

    • November 15, 2017 at 9:05 am
      Jack Kanauph says:
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      Yes, you think he would have gotten less, because things cost less at WalMart!

  • November 14, 2017 at 2:02 pm
    mrbob says:
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    As William Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”.

    Although the line is a joke and I would never literally support hurting someone for this we need to take back control over the outrageous verdicts. I agree that this method of display has inherent danger but so does everything in life. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and no one is to blame.

    • November 15, 2017 at 8:18 am
      Sir Carl says:
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      Don’t shoot the lawyers. The lawyers did not make the damage award. The jury did. I venture to bet that most of those jurors in that extremely-red state profess to believe in small government and personal responsibility, yet they returned this ridiculous verdict. Shame on the jurors. Alabama is known as one of the judicial hell-holes in this country.

      • November 15, 2017 at 3:46 pm
        juror#6 says:
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        Before you blame the jurors, take a look in the mirror (figuratively, not personally) and see if we should blame the people who avoid jury duty. Americans (myself included) need to step up and be willing to serve for the public good.

        As someone much cleverer than myself once said, “are you comfortable trusting your fate to twelve people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty?”

      • November 17, 2017 at 11:13 am
        Agent says:
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        Alabama can’t hold a candle to many blue states as judicial hell holes.

  • November 14, 2017 at 3:14 pm
    Sally Anne Fannymaker says:
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    “Walmart continues to display watermelons in the same manner as it did on June 25, 2015,” the company in a court filing on Wednesday. “These displays come to the store from the producer already packaged and ready to be dropped and displayed.”

    I might be shopping for watermelons at Walmart this weekend. Cha-ching.

    • November 14, 2017 at 5:42 pm
      Agent says:
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      Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

  • November 15, 2017 at 4:53 pm
    MadDog says:
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    Sally, don’t worry. Most of us understood that your comment was sarcastic. It didn’t warrant an insult. It was funny.

  • November 20, 2017 at 12:44 pm
    JMC says:
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    I think that they should make him change his name from Walker to Tripper.

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