Tennessee Lawmakers Introduce Medical Marijuana Bill

January 22, 2018

  • January 22, 2018 at 5:50 am
    Corey Jones says:
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    Ah great. To be born in the state that’s least likely to legalize recreational marijuana (Next to Alabama).
    Racism, the bible belt, and living in a mini bible belt within the bible belt.
    As if being stuck with TDS telecom wasn’t a pain in the ass enough.
    Tennesseans are known for their kind hearted nature, for sure. That’s good. It’s good to be around good people.But those people are typically only kind to straight white folks around here, and if that isn’t you, you’re shit out of luck when it comes to living a peaceful life in this state-wide retirement community. *Sigh* Oh well. Baby steps.

  • January 22, 2018 at 5:56 am
    Corey Jones says:
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    Baby steps. Stupid, uncoordinated, arms flailing, goo goo ga ga baby steps.

  • January 24, 2018 at 10:47 am
    Sherylon Smith says:
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    I happen to live in the most backward of states-Alabama the Backward.
    Arrests for simple possession is a state economy strength. War on the poor is alive and well here.

    • February 6, 2018 at 2:37 pm
      Michael Giblock says:
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      At least you elected the sane choice for the Senate. I’m also in Tennessee, but I’m in Knoxville which is a bit more open minded. Chatanooga is a pretty nice place to with lots of younger people and businesses.

  • February 25, 2018 at 6:32 pm
    Carol Mullins says:
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    Tennesseans need to be able to vote on this issue. We need to step into the 21 century as a leader not The dumb state. Numbers prove we want marijuana in all forms. We new to lead the way with state of the art sales shops, and state of the art grow farms. With some of the best soil in the US for growing hemp our state would flourish. All government officials need to know that voters are becoming more aware all the time that their vote has a lot of power. And there is power in numbers. Look to the future because the younger ones behind you have already seen past it. It’s obvious the states that have passed it are making money and programs are working. It’s coming …..help to be a part of it. Help your fellow Tennesseans.

  • April 10, 2018 at 10:45 am
    NotFromHere says:
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    I just saw a video of a news clip about “Operation Candy Crush.” What a waste of time/money and resources by Law Enforcement. Super embarrassing as well. I’m from CA and I’m shocked at how they don’t know the difference between CBD and THC one, and two, how behind the curve these people.

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