Christmas Day Bombing Another Dark Day for Nashville Businesses, Residents

By and | December 30, 2020

  • December 30, 2020 at 3:04 pm
    Martin Kent says:
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    Nashville is a hotbed of illegal profits in the delivery businesses and any business that depends on traffic. The total lack of business ethics and civic duty effects the public, where social responsibility is a foreign oddity. The previously closeted and delusional, are in need of help when under further covid-19 isolation. If the public and businesses published their stop sign compliance, the residents might hear about, laws, ethics and a conscience. Then businesses won’t profit from expediting traffic and the residents will be less violent towards the business community. The insurance companies know that the public fail their civic duty and ignore traffic laws and so the result of years of lawlessness and negligence costs lives, property and security. In some cities, bombs go off. When ignoring traffic laws is a community norm, the delusional assume that violence is the answer for some prior grievance.

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