Crist Slams DeSantis on Insurance Crisis, But Offers No Details on His Own Plan

April 5, 2022

  • April 5, 2022 at 4:30 pm
    FL Analyst says:
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    This is going to be a fun election year FL friends. So much theatre, but zero substance.

  • April 5, 2022 at 6:52 pm
    Arthro says:
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    Charlie has no plan. Didn’t have one in 2006-2010 as Governor, except to grow Citizens and undercapitalized new insurers. Why would anyone believe that Carlie has the answers? Crist dealt with the insurance crisis by bailing out after one term and running for senate…where he lost :). Now he’s a full-fledged Democrat, eager to earn his bona fides by pushing every liberal solution, including letting the govt take over the insurance industry. No, thanks.

  • April 6, 2022 at 8:37 am
    P Rentz says:
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    Didn’t Florida have this same type of problem when Crist was governor? He has NO solution. Just pointing his finger at someone else to get elected.

  • April 6, 2022 at 3:57 pm
    FL Consumer says:
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    Charlie did a great job with insurance when he was Governor, so consumers like me would like to see him back in office. Charlie signed major reforms that stabilized the Florida market and it has worked every since, despite the best efforts of some legislators to undo his work. What Charlie did was give consumers the right to buy a policy from Citizens if they couldn’t find a reasonably priced policy on the private market. This steadies the market and holds prices down using a “glide path” for rate increases to avoid rate shock. And despite Citizens having the rejects from all the private companies, it made money last year. Imagine that!

    • April 7, 2022 at 4:31 pm
      Arthro says:
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      Wow. Are you serious? You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you? Were you even in Florida in 2009? Charlie grew Citizens to completely unmanageable levels. The amount of unfunded liabilities from Citizens could have easily bankrupted the state of Florida. We’re lucky we didn’t have a major hurricane during his tenure because the state would have gone insolvent. He pushed out all of the large companies who had the capital to pay claims, and replaced them with Citizens and a bunch of lowly capitalized, Florida domestic insurers, some of which have failed recently under the stress of roof litigation. He voted HB 1171, which was a reasonable solution to the insurance problems and supported by 83% of the Florida legislature – Democrats and Republicans. They knew that Florida consumers wanted the option to pay higher premiums for larger, more financially stable national insurers, instead of the capped rates that Crist was pushing. That forced hundreds of thousands of customers into Citizens. Charlie opposes real consumer choice and he has no solutions.

      • July 14, 2022 at 12:20 pm
        Leeroy says:
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        Republicans are in control now, what’s the answer. Same problem, even worse. 2 years to do something that benefits the citizens. Lobbyist running Florida.

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