Sacramento Woman Surrenders to CDI Investigators on W/C Fraud Charges

November 22, 2000

  • October 1, 2005 at 9:33 am
    anonymous says:
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    Your article doesn’t include the phrase “this woman was victimized by lying lawyers, browbeaten by insurance company attorneys, never received fair and competent legal representation, and despite the fact that the surgeon who performed her carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists said that her cas was the worst he had ever seen in his 12 years of doing such surgery, this woman was railroaded into a conviction that she didn’t deserve.
    Overzealous and lying insurance company attorneys made a victim out of a victim.
    I was there before she was charged and saw it all. It was a gross miscarriage of justice.
    I am remaining anonymous because I have seen the damage that lying insurance company attorneys can do – and I don’t need the problems they can cause when they get vindictive.

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