State Fund Awarded $135,000 in Fraud Case

June 30, 2004

  • July 1, 2004 at 12:53 pm
    Punishment? says:
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    Where’s the punishment for the crime? If he found a way around the system before, he will do it again and do it while on probation. Why stop when there are no real consequences? The only way to get some people’s attention is to sit in jail for awhile, even 30 days is better than wimpy probation for fraud.

  • July 6, 2004 at 12:46 pm
    Bill McNulty CFE, FCLA, SCLA says:
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    Something is better than nothing!

  • July 6, 2004 at 12:46 pm
    larry nign says:
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    This story talks about California’s fight against workers comp fraud,yet california’s state fund is allowed to get away with comp fraud against injured workers to save money on injury claims.

    This is the perfict example why the state should NOT be in the insurance business.
    Larry Nign founder http://www.mystatefundstory

  • July 6, 2004 at 3:51 am
    Judithlou says:
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    Business people take risks everyday. But to take risks with business insurance, including workers comp usually requires complicity with an agent or broker, who either doesn’t care or “isn’t doing the math”. This morning an agent in our office walked away, on second thought, RAN from a business owner who has 6 retail locations and is walking a fine line on workers comp. It will catch up with the business owner, and eventually the inattentive agency who represents the business.

  • July 6, 2004 at 6:11 am
    Lynn says:
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    I agree that teeth need to be placed in these cases. If you aren’t going to get a Judge that insists on jail time there is no deterent. Has the plaintiff paid all these fines to the various agencies or been given payment options? Has his property been seized and auctioned to fulfill his obligation to the State and his community? I doubt it!!

    The fraud is endemic throughout the entire system – from carrier strategies to withhold treatment and benefits, attorney/physician kick-backs & self referrals, down to the claimants (who, by the way, only represent 3% of all fraud – statewide).

    Until everyone refocuses on providing the injured worker with immediate and effective treatment, safe return to work and minimize the impact on the employer-employee relationship – we are doomed to wallow in the same greed and waste we have always seen.

    All aspects of this industry must be policed – for the crimes are everywhere. Can you out-think a crook determined to cheat you? Neither can our legislature (and unfortunately many of them are on the take from the private interest groups whispering in their ears).

    For the most comprehensice and detailed information on California Workers Compensation, go to They have the most up to the minute and complete info I have found yet.

  • July 9, 2004 at 11:53 am
    Bryan Shriver, CWCFE says:
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    Appeals court Judges in Oxnard get kickbacks from Attorney’s in the way of Christmas gifts valued hundred’s of thousand’s of dollars yearly !!!

  • July 9, 2004 at 12:07 pm
    Larry Nign says:
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    That comes as no supprise the appeals court judge get gifts from attorneys. What the public doesn’t know is worker comp judges are insured by state fund, Hows that for a conflick of intrested.

    The defendent in a case could very well be the judge’s insurance carrier

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