Calif. Treasurer Calls for Sweeping Reforms at AIG

April 12, 2005

  • April 13, 2005 at 3:08 am
    Caldudenomore says:
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    Put Angleides in the same campaign format as Garamendi. They will both be vying for the Lib nomination out there. He needs to focus on what is happening to the underfunded school district out there (try closing 13 schools in one district folks) and not worry about the unionized govt worker bloated, ill fun, poorly funded, campaign fund, er… pension plan.


  • April 13, 2005 at 3:39 am
    Californian says:
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    Amen to that.

  • April 13, 2005 at 3:41 am
    RolfNeu a CPCU says:
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    While Mr. Angelides may have political motives for seeking action against AIG, the fact is AIG and its former Chairman Maurice ‘Hank’ Greenberg deserve all the scrutiny and investigation they deserve.

    Spitzer will no doubt extract a monetary penalty from AIG and may well be successful in indicting Greenberg on criminal charges. What would send even a stronger message to AIG is if investors such as Calpers and other large institutional and private investors pursue civil actions against AIG and Greenberg.

    The ultimate goal is to reform how America’s biggest businesses conduct business and treat consumers. Their record has been shameful as recent investigations of brokerage firms, mutual funds, insurance brokers, insurance companies and big banks has shown. Sending one or two corporate executives to jail may send a message but a more powerful message is when you hit them in the wallet.

    Why do you think American business and their Republican frineds are pushing so hard for ‘tort’ reform? They say its to eliminate frivelous lawsuits (which should be addressed if really an issue) but their real objective is to place monetary caps so big companies like Citicorp, Marsch & Mclennan, and AIG don’t have to pay out big sums when they ‘mess-up’.

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