Calif. Court Dismisses Complaint Against Fremont General

November 30, 2005

  • November 30, 2005 at 10:40 am
    No Where Man says:
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    Although the CA DOI\’s case was weak, this doesn\’t mean that the good ol\’ boys at Fremont (McIntyre and Rampino) are angels.

    Both took advantage of the DOI and the situation, and saddled the California Taxpayers with the stupidity they created.

    Justice was not served.

  • November 30, 2005 at 4:11 am
    John says:
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    Yeah! If this were only Russia, we\’d all get the justice we deserve without the pitfalls of our silly court system.

  • December 7, 2005 at 6:59 am
    Kerwin Tschetter says:
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    \”Yeah! If this were only Russia, we\’d all get the justice we deserve\”…

    And maybe we wouldn\’t have a former insurance commissioner, Harry Low, who signed this sweetheart deal that allowed Fremont to escape paying $1 billion dollars in accepted claims while failing to disclose he was on the BODs and the BOD\’s \”Credit Policy and Review Committee\” of Fremont General\’s Bank when it made a $25 million dollar loan that this bank was holding 343,490 shares of FMT\’s depressed stock, and who personally held 5,536 Shares of the banks stock prior to accepting office after that the corrupt former insurance commissioner Quackenbush was forced to resign while allowing Fremont General to transfer $200 million through the holding company to a sub-prime loan division.


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