Angeles Clergy Abuse Cases Could Reach $60 Million Settlement

October 2, 2006

  • October 2, 2006 at 7:24 am
    crys says:
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    Hand Job… who said hand job? These victims were not just fondled at the age of 9 or 10 they were raped. Majority of the kids told their parents and the parents didnt believe them. I understand you see 1.3 million what you dont see is half goes to an attorney so let me see.. would you let a priest rape you multiple times for 5 years for only 600,000 if you would then you are sick.

  • October 2, 2006 at 12:56 pm
    Barry says:
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    I guess for 1.3 mil, I would let my priest cop a feel. I guess I was unlucky and had a hetrosexual priest!

  • October 2, 2006 at 1:16 am
    Aghast says:
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    You have NO idea of what you are talking about when say that you were unlucky because you didn\’t suffer abuse at the hands of your childhood priest. If it were but possible, there would be a whole stadium full of abused who would trade places with you. Like the Catholic church hierarchy, you just don\’t get it!

  • October 2, 2006 at 4:39 am
    Crys says:
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    That is the worst thing that anyone could ever say. I am not a victim but I am a victims wife and you have no idea what a victim goes through for the rest of their lives. Money doesn\’t cure the pain so think before you say.

  • October 2, 2006 at 4:47 am
    Barry says:
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    Geez guys, get over it. It\’s not like he killed anybody. How many of these victims were already \”experimenting\” on their own? Sure it is a bad thing he did, but cmon, 1.3 mil for a little handjob? Give me a break.

  • October 3, 2006 at 10:06 am
    Barry says:
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    Hey Crys,

    do you have anything to back up your statements about multiple rapes at 9 and 10 year olds or is that just what you believe happened? Of course, if this priest did that, then he should have his balls cut off. My problem is with the lawsuit abuse as well. I would suspect that at least 25% of the \”victims\” are not really victims, and another 25-50% were not really exposed to the worst offenses. That leaves the 25% who may have had it the worst, and in turn, there share is diluted by others looking to cash in on someone else\’s tragedy.

  • October 3, 2006 at 1:33 am
    Misty Meanor says:
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    I hear ya Barry. I should lie too & make a little cash as well. To the others, please these \”victims\” love their victimhood status and wear it like a badge of honor. I love how they say it\’s not about the money but they are the first with atty, lawsuit and greedy hands seeking deep pockets. If one were truly a survivor of this abuse, they would get some therapy, get a life and move on. Instead they wallow in their victimhood status and can\’t wait to profit from it. Not sure who is worse: the \”victim\” or the priest.

  • October 3, 2006 at 2:19 am
    Aghast says:
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    Dear Crys…

    My heart goes out to you. I was not a victim of clerical rape but I have quite a number of friends and and acquaintances who were. I have seen first hand how those horrible events have scarred their lives and what they have done to cope and move on with their lives.

    It is not surprising that there are those like Barry and \”Misty\” who treat the whole issue as a fraternity prank. I\’ve heard it said that one of the great mysteries of life is that there are more horses\’ asses in this world than there are horses, and their comments reveal that this is still the case.

    One thing that must be kept in mind is that the Catholic church is not culpable in these matters because of what priests or religious did to young people trapped by their net, but rather because of what church authorities did or failed to do when they became aware of what was happening. History may well reveal that the unconscionable actions of church authorities in these matters were the cause of reducing the Catholic church, at least in America, to moral irrelevancy.

  • October 3, 2006 at 3:29 am
    Crys says:
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    First of all I speak the truth and nothing more. My husband and other survivors are victims of multiple rapes from a priest. My hard life with my husband is proof. His loss of identity and faith is proof. I am sure that out of the the huge groups their are those looking to profit and those that lie. My husband goes to therapy and for the first time in years I have convinced him that the priest and religion are two different things and now he attends church. He has found his life and his marriage and his family. the root to all evil and when my husband joind the LA lawsuit it was to make a case stronger because there was no proof until my husband stepped forward. Trust me I understand exactly what you guys are saying although you have to understand that as a victims wife this is very hard. I begin to feel I\’m the victim… lol. In my situation of course I want the money I lost my home because of this ********. Of course my husband will always be in pain but justice will have been served.

  • October 3, 2006 at 3:54 am
    Misty Meanor says:
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    Wow Aghast, name calling is so professional and grown up, thanks for setting such a shining example….

    Thanks Crys for a intelligent response.

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