Trial for Ford SUV Rollovers To Begin in June

May 25, 2007

  • May 25, 2007 at 3:17 am
    Realist says:
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    Are people really shocked that the cheap piece of garbage Ford they bought didn\’t retain value and was designed and built as such? Ford is notorious for building pieces of junk, it\’s hard to expect much when you pay for one of the cheapest vehicles on the road.

  • May 26, 2007 at 12:04 pm
    William Ivany says:
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    unforunately ford keeps getting away with building junk I purchased A 2002 EXPLORER which should have been painted Lemon as there was $30,000.00 of repairs down under extended warranty.A $50,000.00 vehicle new and I took $7500.00 for it when I traded it on a Honda.I will not purchase another ford in my life time.I keep telling people who are thinking about buying a new vehicle not to buy ford junk.

  • May 29, 2007 at 7:29 am
    Jewel says:
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    Just out of curiosity, since when can you buy an Explorer for $50,000? Was it painted with gold?

  • May 29, 2007 at 8:32 am
    El Squid says:
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    For the past 30 years (Yikes!) I have dealt almost exclusively with motor vehicle service contracts which are often referred to as \”extended warranties\”. At all 6 of the companies I have worked for and consulted for, the Ford Explorer has one of the best track records for mechanical reliability. In fact among the domestic brands Ford passenger cars and SUV\’s approach Honda-like results. Personally, I don\’t like Ford products except for my 1962 Mercury Comet, but that\’s another matter altogether.

    In the 1960\’s a jerk named Ralph Nader launched his political career by attacking the Chevrolet Corvair by claiming that it was \”Unsafe at Any Speed\”.I owned a Corvair and I actually read the owner\’s manual and I maintained the correct tire pressure in all 4 tires. Because of the rear weight bias in the Corvair the rear tires had to have 10 psi more than the front tires. If all 4 tires were inflated to the same pressure the car was very squirrely and would spin out with little provocation. My Corvair never spun out even on slick surfaces.

    Most American consumers don\’t bother to read their owner\’s manuals and most don\’t bother to check tire pressure at all. Plus, as I have pointed out many times, most consumers never learn to drive. An educated driver knows that an SUV that has a center of gravity like the leaning tower of Pisa will fall over if it is cornered too hard or if a tire fails.

    I\’m saddened that people were hurt and died in Ford Explorers but it\’s very hard to build an idiot proof passenger car mush less an idiot proof SUV. Some of the blame rests with careless consumers and not so much with Ford Motor Company.

  • May 29, 2007 at 8:37 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    U.S. auto makers are on the verge of extinction. Not only have they programmed their own failures by bowing to the bankrupting demands of unions, they have yet to produce a truly quality vehicle to compare with foreign engineering. They have played on the \”Buy American\” theme and that\’s fast running out as the population of blue collar supporters dies off. Younger generations see through that smoke.

    The only innovation Ford built in the last 40 years was the Taurus. You would think that Ford engineers would have matured into best-in-class. Ford can\’t compete and should stick to making pick-up trucks. Chevy can\’t compete either and should stick to selling to rental companies. Chrysler is done…..put a fork in it. \”foreign\” cars are not foreign anymore. Their design and engineering may be, but Americans are building them. They don\’t breakdown and don\’t rollover.

    Having said all that, we must remember who buys Fords. Ford employees because they get a huge discount. These are the NASCAR fans whose driving habits may be a contributing factor in some of these rollovers.

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