Mont. Jury Awards Nearly $6.7 Million in Car Seat Suit

July 27, 2007

  • July 27, 2007 at 1:24 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    Another example of how badly our legal system is flawed, and why we should consider professional jurors. Manufacturers should start putting warnings on every product that “it isnot designed or intended to prevent every and all injuries”. It’s more likely that the child’s head trauma was caused by striking the door and not the plastic seat. If he was ejected, the seat was thrown into something. Look at the physiology here. The total distance his head could have moved to strike the back of the car seat would be a few inches. And what furture monitary damages are there for a dead 4 month old child? Also, why was the car seat ejected if the parents installed it properly. You can bet the jerk that caused the accident had little or no insurance so they had to chase somebody with deep pockets.

  • July 27, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    I agree Bill.

    (usual disclaimer, i feel sorry for the loss.)

    I would like more info on how the seat was thrown from the car. my friends have a car seat for their child and that thing is locked down! i’d be curious to see what caused it to be thrown from the car.

  • July 27, 2007 at 2:17 am
    bill reed says:
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    Most probably negligent installation and most probably by the parents. If the doors were locked it would have been less probable they’d have opened. Sad situation in any case.

  • July 30, 2007 at 10:01 am
    CLR says:
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    The settlement is inflated no matter how you look at it & needs to be appealed.
    If there is an accident that causes someone to be ejected from a vehicle, chances are they will not make it or will have serious injuries & permanent disabilities. All aspects of liability should be carefully reviewed & the total should be considered at a more likely total in-lieu of the inflated amount listed in the article. The loss is tragic, however money will not bring back a loved one, nor will it make suffering the loss any easier. Money will only fill the need of a greedy person & no matter how much they get it’s never enough…

  • July 30, 2007 at 1:28 am
    Monetary Damages says:
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    In Montana, a decedents estate is entitled to future wage loss, even if the decedent provided no financial support to others.

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