Calif. Brothers Arrested for Fraud

August 20, 2007

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:15 am
    WooWooWoo says:
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    Just have to love it. All this time I thought that Islam was the path to rightousness.

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:22 am
    Not Quick to Judge says:
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    While the names certainly appear to be Arab, they’re not necessarily Moslems. And they could be born and raised in the USA.

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:25 am
    Johnny Cockrun says:
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    Come on! No fine red blooded American would do a thing such as this!

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:31 am
    N. Judge says:
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    I know. What was I thinking? Pa. Judge Faces Fraud Indictment Relating to Car Accident Claim
    August 17, 2007

    A Pennsylvania Superior Court judge collected insurance money after claiming a car accident made him unable to exercise or play golf, but then played golf, went inline skating and received his pilot’s license, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

    Judge Michael Thomas Joyce, 58, of Erie…

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:38 am
    HawaiiDuke888 says:
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    Trust me, it’s the culture. There are scumbags from all cultures, but a select few culture appear to have a very high percentage of scumbags. The leadership of such countries are also scumbags.

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:38 am
    WooWooWoo says:
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    Yes, N. Judge–sad, indeed–and a blemish on the legal profession for which he must be punished if convicted.

    Nonetheless, it sure beats car bombs. No trials there…much less convictions. Just random acts of violence.

  • August 20, 2007 at 1:57 am
    N. Judge says:
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    True. And with McVeigh we were able to get our revenge. We seem to have given up on finding Bin Laden – a 6+ft man on dialysis in the desert and we can’t find him.

    Most every people have had their ruthless elements and lawless times. Bias of a group is always ugly. Somehow we don’t think the people who came up with drawing and quartering or scalping (and that was not native Americans) as generally blood thirsty. At least any more than the rest of the world. 50 years from now, we’ll be friendly with the Islamic world and some other group will be the enemy.

  • August 20, 2007 at 2:36 am
    WooWooWoo says:
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    But this is not about bias as to a group.

    It is important to differentiate between the individuals, the ideology to which they adhere, and the culture that is built upon it. In this case, the ideology is one of death, destruction, and subjugation of others. The reality is that our culture is superior by any rational measure. It is life-sustaining; theirs is not.

    Are there jerks here? Are there flaws here? Sure there are. But an overriding characteristic of it is that it values life. They cannot say the same.

  • August 20, 2007 at 3:15 am
    Leonardo says:
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    Too cozy into a culture that time after time, we see a patern disregard for their fellow human beings is encouraging such culture to continue their ways. We see time and time again, people of certain cultures have a worse rap sheet than other cultures. Rudy Giuliani got tired about the bad rap Italians where getting with the Mafia, so he did something about it and eliminated them. When are some of these cultures going to eliminate their own scumbags, let alone speak out about the wrongs of their culture?

  • August 20, 2007 at 3:19 am
    Well Ok says:
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    Well, if you ask me.. it doen’t really matter what their nationality is or not.. they did the crime and got caught.. what I really can’t understand about society is that you see this type of thing on tv eeeeveryday and the people get caught.. I guess it goes back to the old saying.. “That will never happen to me” comes to their mind.. It is really, really sad!

  • August 20, 2007 at 3:36 am
    Scooter says:
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    It seems the 2nd brother lived up to his name alright.

    I guess their parents aren’t gonna be too happy either.(lol)

    Still, I wonder who tipped off the CDI investigator? The agent? the claims person?
    Cheers goes out to this silent hero.

  • August 20, 2007 at 4:15 am
    N. Judge says:
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    I’d agree that we don’t prosecute nearly enough of the fraud we see in this industry. As for sustained cultures, I won’t begin to malign one that is much older than ours. And clearly we’re entitled to believe whatever we will. And to disagree. Well OK: It can be funny how names tranlate, too. I’m often curious how they choose to spell them when you come from a language that uses different characters. Do we spell with accent, etc? Gangsters are not gone from NY, by the way. Anyone handle any No Fault in NY?

  • August 20, 2007 at 5:33 am
    Ahab says:
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    One tenth of one percent of fraud is ever even considered by insurance companies in this country because the penalties paid in libel and slander suits is just too dear. A carrier has to actually catch people in the act in order to make such a case. I’ve defended cases where the arsonist was sitting in prison for two years before the insurance company could get the libel/slander lawsuit he brought against them before his actual conviction for the arson dismissed. The legal fees generated by the process were huge, but in the end the arsonist is still in prison and the insurance company is still in business. The insured was actually arrested during the course of his deposition. No wonder insurance companies are reluctant to pursue these scumbags.

  • August 21, 2007 at 11:36 am
    N. Judge says:
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    Where do you practice? Most states have statutes that protect against the libel issue; it’s not as if we’re broadcasting the insured’s alleged fraud. The bigger issue for us has always been the allegations of bad faith that could have you paying far in excess of policy limits.

  • August 27, 2007 at 12:09 pm
    Lighter Side says:
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    You guys all need to lighten up… I still can’t get over the fact there is someone named mahboob. :-)

  • April 8, 2008 at 10:10 am
    Not biased says:
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    I highly doubt that these “two brothers” have done such a thing based on their culture. Who is one to judge that? It just may be the way society is today and how flashy things may appeal the majority. So they just might want to live up to society’s lifestyle.

  • April 8, 2008 at 10:15 am
    Not biased says:
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    These two men have no right to set an image for Islam. I am not a Muslim but I certainly would not look at a religion based on these men. I have seen many Christians commit bigger crimes but I do not judge Christianity based on this one person’s mistake.

    • August 16, 2021 at 8:51 pm
      Mikael says:
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      I have known these 2 men for over 15 years. The older brother was set up by a body shop owner who was in trouble with the law for insurance fraud. all the younger brother did was, he lied for his older brother and told the undercover agent that he picked up his older from from where his car was stollen. when you have a crooked system, they will set up even the innocent. so before you guys judge go out and find out the facts. also, isn’t that what your religion teaches you? not to judge unless you are for sure.

  • November 20, 2009 at 2:09 am
    Tony damarcus says:
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    Ive read all the past comments and i am did as much as research as i can. Lets not judge them by what the paper says…i have read the full report, the older bro masood was set up by his own friend that owns a body shop, whom is an informant for the cops. he himself was doing fruad out of his body shop so in order for him to get credit he set up masood. As for the younger brother Mahboob(unique name) all he did was lied for his bro 2 months after the whole intrapment happened. I would to do anything for my Blood. do to our system being so currupted anything can happend to anyone. We need to wake up and realize whats going on in our own system.

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