Calif. Governor Refuses Again to Raise Benefits for Disabled Workers

By | October 16, 2007

  • October 16, 2007 at 1:08 am
    Just a thought says:
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    And this guy’s resume reads…


    Should any of this surprise anyone?

  • October 16, 2007 at 1:31 am
    Jarana says:
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    Oh come on! He tries to do what no other politician would consider doing – fixing a broken system. Some of the items just needed some more work. Nothing was said about the regulations he did sign.

  • October 16, 2007 at 1:32 am
    wudchuck says:
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    but what you truly don’t know…

    how many of them can actually work and bilk the system? i have seen many of these folks whom drive a car, walk w/o any problems and use all the limbs they have. how many of them actually need the federal money for social security benefits and not state money. is that what that is for? we have too many folks on welfare whom can work and we have folks whom get a disability and can work but don’t because they like FREE money — that’s unfair to the working citizen whom strives hard to work. there are jobs out there where these folks can work. i have seen those mentally challenged in the work place, what makes them special – because they want to try; and in many cases succeed!

  • October 16, 2007 at 1:52 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    wudchuck: comments right on point. “Ahnold” doesn’t like malingerer’s. We’ve all seen them belly-up to the trough and file for benefits as long as they can. The last thing we need is to make them comfortable.

  • October 16, 2007 at 3:36 am
    Nancy says:
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    Arnold has done a lot of great things for this state and WC Reform is just one of them. There is a ton of fraud in WC and don’t forget a lot of these “injured” workers are actually working another job while on WC for one job and/or suing a ton of defendants in some bogus civil trial that will net them a coupld hundred thousand or millions.

  • October 17, 2007 at 3:39 am
    John Sesman says:
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    I am amazed at the rich set of benefits provided to the California worker by the state’s workers compensation system. You’d think that employers are owners of their employees just as they are owners of their machinery and equipment. True, the employers can and do enslave the equipment and machinery to work till the ultimate death of the ole’ clunker, but you can’t do that with employees; they have choises and the freedom to make them. Employees can quit a job and move along to self employment if they wish.
    The employer is Forced, under threat of punisment, to provide Workers with Life insurance, medical benefits and disability benefits under the state’s workers compensation law as a condition of hireing the employee. The benefit package is RICH in benefits already, the kind of benefits that only a small persentage of the population can afford to buy as individuals. I don’t know of any private group medical or individual medical plan that offers this kind of a benefit package. People just won’t buy voluntarily due to it’s cost.
    I believe that the states workers compensation system is burdening the employer already. Adding more benefits can and will cause premiums to rise and drive many employers to reduce their work force thus creating more unemployment.
    I support our governator’s veto.

  • October 16, 2007 at 3:41 am
    Dr. Ruth says:
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    Please, Gentle Johnnie, no hate mongering at all – simply don’t understand why it’s necessary to dismiss traditional values and morals in order to accept “alternative” lifestyles. Nor why reasonable arguments against increasing disability benefits are met with “he’s an actor” responses on this board. Have you seen the PSA’s from the Governor and his wife inviting newcomers to enjoy the California way of life? Companies have left the state in drove because of the cost of doing business there, and the legislation hostile to traditional families will exacerbate the problem. You win some and lose some.

  • October 17, 2007 at 7:50 am
    Ohioan says:
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    “benefits” have become “entitlements” to too many people in this country. They get injured on the job, many times because of their own stupidity or carlessness, then they want the state to pay them. Disability payments de-incentivize people to get off their lazy asses and get back to work, even it is isn’t at the job they had before. I’m all for helping someone get back on their feet, but it’s THEIR responsibility, not the state’s, to find a way to support themselves.

  • October 17, 2007 at 3:03 am
    johnnie says:
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    well your “alternative” lifesytle (religion)is just as sickening to me. I would consider many Gay and Lesbian people more honorable and moral than hate-mongers like yourself. Quiet shoving your religion down everyone else’s throat and keep it to yourself.

  • October 17, 2007 at 4:44 am
    jr says:
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    Kudos to the governor for sending back Senator Perata’s attempt to DOUBLE permanent disability awards. Were benefits cut significantly by SB 899? Yes, that was the point! Is some tweaking of the system necessary? Yes, and he signed two bills to that end. The distant future may not be rosy for employers but the present is still great thanks to Arnold.

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