Appeals Court Throws out $241 Million Award in Executive Life Suit

August 27, 2008

  • August 27, 2008 at 7:14 am
    cmc,jr. says:
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    Agree, agree, agree. Thoght the original judge must have been in Garamendi’s pocket back when all this came down and that there would be an appeal. It’s easy to spend the taxpayors’ money but it’s still going on in California where we are taking on even more bond debt before we banktrupt ourselves.

  • August 27, 2008 at 12:34 pm
    bondguru says:
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    the State of California has wasted nine years and untold millions of dollars in legal fees suing the bank (and investors) who bailed them out by buying $3.25 BILLION in junk bonds from the Executive Life portfolio? Who cares if the French government controls Credit Lyonnaise? And, just how does the purchase of junk bonds from a failed insurer constitute control of an “insurer” by a foreign government under some old, and apparently now repealed, California law? This should have been dropped years ago.

    So now that the Appeals court has thrown out the judgment amount, how much more money will the State waste in pursuing a new amount?

    What a bunch of morons, fiscal and otherwise.

  • August 27, 2008 at 1:38 am
    An agent in Arizona says:
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    It is no surprise that all of the money that has been spent and will be spent on this fiasco comes at the expense of taxpayers. I wonder (not really) how quickly people who are making decisions would spend this kind of money if it was their own money and not the taxpayers. Unfortunatly there are no or minimum checks and balance systems on money that gets spent and then billed to the taxpayers.

  • August 27, 2008 at 2:30 am
    How long before... says:
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    How long do you think it will be before Quackamendi takes credit for any increase in the award (in spite of what it cost to get it) even though he was the one that screwed it up in the first place???

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