Untrustworthy Insurance Agents Will Lose Licenses in Washington

August 29, 2008

  • August 29, 2008 at 12:59 pm
    Jodee says:
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    It’s about time this industry starts cleaning house. As a P and C, life and Health agency owner I have seen it all. The usual situation goes something like this, an unethical agent miscodes a comercial risk, oh say a general contractor as an H/Vac and slams it through underwriting. Now you know the insured has misrepresented himself to the company through his new agent. What can you do? if you call the state, all they think is sour grapes because you lost a customer. worse than that your old customer hates your guts because your spoiling a super cheep premium deal for them. and lastly because the IC office doesn’t seem to give a darn, it turns into a “your screwed deal”. The way it is, you just have to smile and hope the bad actor (agent) gets caught in enough E/O situations to run him/her out of the buiness.

  • August 29, 2008 at 3:06 am
    TX Agt says:
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    Amen… been there and had that happen to me; unfortunately more than once, and as you say, if you complain you become the bad guy/gal.

  • August 29, 2008 at 5:09 am
    Whimp Stomper says:
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    …and we wonder why the public puts us one under attorneys, one above used car salesmen…

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