Phoenix Public Safety Budgets Affected by Large Deficit

January 20, 2009

  • January 20, 2009 at 11:42 am
    Transplant says:
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    I never would have accepted a job offer in Phoenix in 2004 if I had known that a light rail system was going to be installed. It was hugely expensive and disruptive- it destroyed many businesses and cost a lot of jobs. And it doesn’t go anywhere I want to go. That money should have been set aside for a rainy day and not squandered on a fashion accessory for the city of Phoenix. The mayor is a spending fool to say the least. And now he wants federal bailouts.

  • January 20, 2009 at 1:22 am
    Not a transplant says:
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    My sister and brother in law are about to move to Phoenix. He has a job waiting, but to me sounds more like it is a probationary position.
    She was hoping to get back into the admin side of law enforcement, guess that is not going to happen!
    As for the rail. I have a friend of who is Phoenix native who is now in SoCal. He just visited and rode the rail on the first week of service. Said it is decent start. Remember that public transit projects are usually done in pieces and you need to have several of the pieces in place before you see a great impact. YOu have to start somewhere.

  • January 21, 2009 at 10:03 am
    Napalotano says:
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    Hey, don’t give the Phoenix Mayor all the credit for spending money wastefully. I tried to do my part and bring this State to it’s knees. I think I accomplished that and now I’m on my way to WA-DC to try and do the same. Wish me luck!

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