Seat Belts Could Be Required in Nevada Cabs

By Rachelle Gines | February 27, 2009

  • February 28, 2009 at 4:07 am
    wudchuck says:
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    first of all, who is going to allow their child to ride in a taxi alone? so if that child is not alone, why can’t you make the responsible party, ie PARENT, responsible. afterall, should that same individual assuming the risk for their own safety? the cab is a luxury and convenience. if you are going to require it on a cab, why not a bus?… as a cab company, putting signs in your cab will not necessarily get folks to read and comply. how many items have you seen and have not read the so-called fine print? how many of us actually read the labels – warning smoking is hazardous to your health? oh, worry that someone has been smoking for over 40 yrs and that person can still sue because he did not heed the warning? folks, the more we label, the more we don’t read. the more doctors tell us this causes cancer, the more we just look the other way. the more they say we eat unhealthy, the more we say – so! where do we stop?!

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