Insurance Women of Los Angeles Install New Officers

June 3, 2009

  • June 3, 2009 at 12:40 pm
    ricci says:
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    It’ll be the White Males Insurance Organization of the Greater US. Please respond if you’re interested in joining this organization.

    It’s goals will be:

    1. Build self-esteem among white males who lately have been subjected to extreme ridicule and harrassment.

    2. Network with other white males to learn how to cope in a supposedly diverse society that discriminates against white males through various laws.

    3. Learn how to accept your whiteness and maleness and be proud of it, instead of hiding it behind tans and metro-sexual clothing.

    4. Learn that it’s fine to enjoy hockey and golf without feeling guilty.

    5. Learn the code words to use to make other-than-whites and females feel comfortable in your presence.

    6. The motto will be: Say it in monotone, I’m a somewhat proud, but subdued white, male drone.


  • June 3, 2009 at 12:59 pm
    Richard Heagle says:
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    We’ll look forward to BOTH the members providing substantial ndustry support, between Spike TV reruns.

  • June 3, 2009 at 1:20 am
    Rise above says:
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    You have let the world do a number on you, bro. You need to rise above it.

  • June 3, 2009 at 1:54 am
    ricci says:
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    Rise above,

    It was a joke, irony. Hence the typographical similing face at the end of the tongue-in-cheek post. I’ve enough on my plate w/o joining yet another organization, let alone founding one.

  • June 3, 2009 at 2:00 am
    Maureen says:
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    I have been a member of NAIW and Insurance Women of N Virginia since 1995 and it has been the absolute best thing that I have ever done for my career. And guys–we are not just an organization for Women–there are plenty of men that see the value in NAIW. The leadership tools, the mentoring skills, the communication classes, well-it certainly trumps any training that you geezers would ever provide to a CSR. Get over yourselves.

  • June 3, 2009 at 2:24 am
    Nettie says:
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    I too am a proud member of NAIW and the Insurance Women of Richmond, VA. I agree with Maureen, my membership in NAIW has provided me with more learning and networking opportunities in this industry than I could ever hope for from a male boss.

    Don’t let the name fool you gentlemen. The Fredericksburg, VA association had a male president for a few years. And at the national convention last week, a male NAIW member competed in the coveted Confidence in Communicating Speak-off (he was one of 9 national contestants).

    Our association partners with the state-wide agent associations (Big-I and PIA) on various activities. And we also sponsor a scholarship to a student at Virginia Commonwealth University studying insurance & risk management.

    Check it out for yourselves – Or better yet, support your employees in joining this fine, professional association.

  • June 3, 2009 at 2:27 am
    ricci says:
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    And you, Madame, seriously need to develop a sense of humor. It’s okay to laugh at a parody of yourself. Remember, iron is good for your blood and irony is good for your sense of humor.

    For gosh sakes, life’s too short to take it as seriously as do you, as is implied in your post.

  • June 3, 2009 at 2:47 am
    ricci says:
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    Please, don’t take so serioulsy yourselves. Do you know the meaning behind the Shakespearean line, “The lady doth protest too much?” Your posts suggests that you’re unsure of something.

    For gosh sakes, I’ve attended many NAIW luncheons and NAIW sponsored conferences and agree that they’re excellent.

    But, Ladies, really, you do need to be able to laugh at yourselves once in a awhile.

    Enjoy life.

  • June 5, 2009 at 12:57 pm
    maureen says:
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    If that was your attempt at humor–Thank goodness you are not a comedian. Frankly, racist remarks even meant in humor-have no place in a professional magazine such as the Insurance journal.

  • June 15, 2009 at 12:53 pm
    ricci says:
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    First, learn punctuation; I read such posts and know that the future of America can’t be bright with dimwits such as you posing on blogs as some sort of a leader. It’s no wonder that you join gender-specific organizations – you need all of the affirmative action that you can get.

    Please, stop the phony, holier-than-thou attitude and get a life. Racist? Sheesh. And what’s rap music? And what of Ms. World Affirmative Action Poster Child, Sotomayor? Without affirmative action, she’d be emptying office waste baskets after 5 pm.

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