California Commissioner Please With Proposed Office of National Insurance

June 18, 2009

  • June 18, 2009 at 12:30 pm
    pita says:
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    Please or Pleased?

    Sad that this was missed in proof reading.
    Where do I send my invoice for catching this error?

  • June 18, 2009 at 1:38 am
    Skeptic says:
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    Can’t imagine why…well, maybe it has something to do with Pelosi, Boxer and the fact that the State is broke and looking to the Feds for a bailout.

    Let’s say you’re the High Commissioner for Insurance, enjoying a reasonable income for CA, and you’re given the opportunity to step-in-line with the ruling junta in a public forum. What do you do? Hmmmmmm?

    Gee, ya think?

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