Environmental Groups Sue FEMA Over Oregon Flood Maps

August 6, 2009

  • August 6, 2009 at 12:37 pm
    Rosie says:
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    this is the kind of story that brings a tear to my eye if only bushs borther hadn’t stolen the florida election for his borther and had let the true winner Al Gore become president all the salmon would be happily swimming and not in jeopardy and now instead we have to worry about dead fish unhealthy children and a dirty planet its so sad isn’t it :-(

  • August 6, 2009 at 12:57 pm
    Disturbed by Rosie says:
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    I like to read these comments and don’t normally respond. However the freedom with which you write your slant intrigues me. Mainly because today you have that right. Tomorrow with our current president, or yesterday with Al Gore, that right could be removed. Please complete a some research on Al Gore, Obama and the Green Agenda…http://www.green-agenda.com/

  • August 6, 2009 at 1:43 am
    DLR says:
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    These are flood maps, how is a flood map going to destroy fish? Flood maps don’t creat floods, only pinpoint potential flood hazzards. What am I missing?

  • August 6, 2009 at 3:39 am
    Good Hands says:
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    I’m with you. It seems that the real impact FEMA might have is being willing to issue policies in the first place based on sound underwriting principles. Out of step of course with political thinking, FEMA should lie about the habitability of these areas to prevent humans from propogating.
    We ARE the only unprotected species on the planet. Apparently homo sapiens is a blight on Mother Nature.

  • August 7, 2009 at 12:17 pm
    Compman says:
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    mmmm, salmon. I am having some for dinner tonite. I am also going salmon fishing next week. Rosie, we might need a good anchor, do you want to come along?

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