Denver Fire Department Admits Filing False Insurance Reports

August 12, 2009

  • August 12, 2009 at 10:49 am
    Disgusted says:
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    You bet, I’m disgusted! We’re facing enough problems with communities reducing their fire dept. budgets by laying off firemen and delaying purchases. Now they are ‘cooking the books’ to retain their good protection class. Shame on them!

  • August 12, 2009 at 3:09 am
    Old Pro says:
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    Agreed. Those who produced those reports and the data thereon should be terminated. No excuses, no 2nd changes. Lying just cannot and should not be tolerated at any level.

  • August 12, 2009 at 3:46 am
    But it wasn't deliberate!! says:
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    40 hours training in a 24 hour day? 85 firefighters in the same class on the same day at the same time? Etc, Etc,……..nope, doesn’t sound deliberate to me either!

  • August 13, 2009 at 10:18 am
    Icee says:
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    Maybe I’m just smarter than whoever filled out these reports, but if I were going to deliberately “cook the books”, I would know better than to put someone down as training for more than 40 hours of training in a 24 hour day.

  • August 13, 2009 at 10:19 am
    Icee says:
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    Come to think of it, even if I wasn’t cooking the books, I’d make sure the results made sense before releasing the reports

  • August 17, 2009 at 10:25 am
    New to Denver says:
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    Really, I am concerned.

    I haven’t needed a fireman in my entire life, but I love them and depend on them to respond in normal and unusual situations.

    I think training is very important.

    This is not a “little” mistake. This is, what, 13000 hours of incorrect reports? Who created the reports and what was the motivation for the incorrect reports? Who OK’d the reports? Will my insurance now go up? Will my fire department now be involved in an insurance investigation?

    I think there is an assumption of dirty dealing here – bad reports to make someone look better. Who looked better? The data entry clerk? The department? The fire chief? It could very easily have just been someone cutting corners and not realizing the impact, let alone the extreme point of view where there is insurance fraud and accepting/misappropriating training funds.

    I don’t expect the fire chief to be very specific when dealing with a personel issue. However, I would prefer to see someone who didn’t just brush it off and point to the correction without pointing to the fact that the cause needs to be investigated. Someday I’ll meet the chief and I’ll tell him that.

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