Nurse Assistant Denied Workers’ Compensation, Attorney Says

By | October 21, 2009

  • October 21, 2009 at 1:03 am
    Dee Nied says:
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    after I was slightly injured on the job in front of witnesses. My WC claim consisted of medical bills to the emergency dept. the day after the injury happened. Ex subsequently told the WC carrier to deny the claim, never happened, had no knowledge, lie after lie. Thought a denial would save a couple bucks on the WC renewal. We’re talking about a WC premium of under $500 to begin with. We’re talking a total payout by the WC carrier of under $700 to settle the bill!

    I never dreamed that an employer of an injured worker can outright tell the work comp. carrier to deny a claim and they’ll do it, no questions asked.

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