California Has Rise in Auto Insurance Fraud

October 26, 2009

  • October 26, 2009 at 4:48 am
    fred says:
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    sometimes these stats are easier than actuaries make them. it’s really simple.
    an actuary would dress this up in statisitical terms when th reality is as follows:

    A. more illegal aliens are unemployed in CA than ever before. (we have 7,000,000,000 here)so if they can’t make their car payment on their charp chevy and face a repo, they burn it or take it Mexico which is very easy to do with the lack of border enforcement especially to get into to Mexico – (sending manure or our garbage to mexico increases the countries worth).

    B. Actual citizens (an ever shrinking population segement)loosing their cars after loosing their jobs will do the same thing and a varierty of other things to collect on the car to prevent lenders from getting thier property back. all have the attitude that if I can’t have it, you not getting it either. and who cares about their credit score, it’s crap already.

    C. Crime and Insurance Fraud increase in a down economy. this coupled with thee most liberal goverment run state and over populated state in the country equals a breeding ground for fraud. insurers and law enforsement are overwhelmed.

    there, that explains this stat

  • October 27, 2009 at 6:25 am
    djones says:
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    Fred, I agree with you, especially item C.

    Same thing going on here in Las Vegas. Thing is, car thieves usually don’t burn the vehicle. That’s a give away that the owner is involved.

  • November 2, 2009 at 12:46 pm
    Wow Freddy says:
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    Really, Fred??? Wow! No wonder we have so many problems, what with 7 BILLION illegals in CA. And here I thought the entire population of the entire WORLD was only 6 billion! Sure glad we have you to keep us straight! Would hate to LOOSE our country to them dirty mexs!

    Please Fred, go get yerself an edumacation, k? You and your type do nothing to promote the right-thinking person’s point when you make us all look like idiots.

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