Arizona County Weighs Photo Traffic Fee

November 5, 2009

  • November 5, 2009 at 11:58 am
    matt says:
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    Did anyone see the court video on youtube where a sherriff’s deputy took a file from defense counsel’s table (while her back was turned) and gave it to another officer who subsequently left the room to make a copy before bringing back the original?

  • November 5, 2009 at 2:29 am
    Smith says:
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    No laws were broken and turnaround is fair play. The cops were playing heads up ball. Shame on the sloppy attorney.

    Does anyone in this country understand that when you’ve failed to operate within your budget, you don’t just get more money to waste? They keep adding fines and fees and taxes like there’s an endless supply. It’s time people start demanding they either manage their business or they get fired.

  • November 5, 2009 at 2:57 am
    PLC says:
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    Most tickets are not paid because by law they are not valid unless the are personally served. They can not collect or count against driving record. Just mailing a ticket does not qualify. At first most people just assumed and paid the ticket. However now it is common knowledge so everybody ignores them until or unless served. Only 25% are currently paid. It is a big scam, for many reasons. If you do get a ticket your chances of being served are next to zero, because they do not have the manpower, or if you out of town like I am – a 4 hour drive. Expect now my small town of Show Low is putting them in. How that will work I am not sure. I have MANY clients that have been caught on the way down to the Valley over by Payson – a speed trap, and they just toss them. They are never served and they never show up on ADOT report.

  • November 5, 2009 at 3:56 am
    shawn says:
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    all this photo enforcement amounts to is an excuse by the state to rip people off because they can’t manage millions of dollars given to them already so they come up with this speed trap series of photo cameras. Anyone ever noticed how most of them are conveniently located on downhill grades or in areas where they have intentionally dropped the speed limit lower than the surrounding streets or highway being driven on? One minute the speed limit is 60 going through phoenix and then the next it’s dropped down to 50 and then what do you know there’s a speed camera. What a scam. The state should be put on notice and all the city officials fired for piling onto the public already struggling in a recession and intensely difficult economic times and yet they add on this cock and bull program and then try to say that they are helping to make our roads safer?? BULL CRAP!!! Their only helping bail themselves out from their own mismanagement of our money. I think it’s time we all say HELL NO. This ain’t going to happen. Don’t anyone pay this fake, fraudulent fines and pad the states pockets any further. If they have to resort to entrapment to get money then what kind of government do we have? Is this Mexico , Russia or the USA? It’s hard to tell these days.

  • November 5, 2009 at 5:21 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Okay, I’m not for the camera’s but I’m almost wondering if you guys can read? LOL All the cameras, either mobile or permanent have a sign well before you get to them that there is a speed camera ahead. Unless you’re driving so fast you can’t see it. LOL

  • November 5, 2009 at 5:30 am
    shawn says:
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    baxtor why don’t you get a grip? You obviously missed the entire point didn’t you? Wether someone can read the stupid signs that say there are photo cameras or not or that they are even posted is not even a point that is necessary to discuss. What is being talked about here are the ethics and reasons behind why they exist at all. And something you failed to mention dummy is that most of the signs are posted right next to the stupid camera. Totall irrelevant point!!! So go LOL to yourself somewhere else.

  • November 5, 2009 at 6:56 am
    PLC says:
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    In AZ if the speed limit is 35 or less then no warning is given or required. Here in Show Low they just put up 4 that stay put and they have signs. They also have 2 mobile and they are no signs. DPS has some mobile outside of town with signs.

  • November 6, 2009 at 6:26 am
    wudchuck says:
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    ok, remember, that in public you can be held accountable for your actions including the use of a motor vehicle. yes, you need to abide by the laws of the road, because you said you would when you got your license, this includes speeding. concern i have is, why the extra $20? how much more is it costing? it should not be, because you have someone reviewing the photos who is already employed. cost of this employeee is less than the cop you put on the streets giving tickets. like a previous entry, most folks that read these citations that are mailed, some will pay and others will trash them. sounds to me that folks are treating them like parking tickets. this can be costly if not paid! their car could be impounded. i think that most folks are just fed up with extra fees due to the recession.

  • December 25, 2009 at 10:49 am
    Nancy says:
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    You folks are missing the point of red light and speed cameras. It has nothing to do with enforcing the law or safty, which is what the laws are for in the first place. It is ALL about revenue! I’m from California and recently made a trip to Phoenix by way of I-10 and then on to Cottonwood on I-17. If you get a trucker in just the right place you can’t see the warning sign. In addition, the truckers and regular travelers know where the cameras are and speed up in between which becomes a hazard for those of us who are wary of where the cameras are. What a headache it was driving into Phoenix! It actually put an extra hour on my drive time. I drove 900 miles, 600 of it California, and only saw one accident. This is NOT about safety – it is a TAX to help Arizona balance the books!

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