Washington State Report Details Cost of Medically Uninsured

November 19, 2009

  • November 20, 2009 at 7:47 am
    Jay says:
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    There is no other way to get people insured; Put a tax similar to worker comp tax whereby Every Worker is covered by health insurance; no choice! This is terrible in a country like ours, that part time workers like my daughter and her boyfriend,work 32 hours a week for six years with the same employer and that employer has not had to provide them health insurance! Horrible!

  • November 20, 2009 at 8:01 am
    CJ says:
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    Health insurance was used as a perk to keep employees when wage controls were instituted. Now it has become a right??

    A little personal responsibity requires that you buy it yourself. If you don’t want to buy it, the government should not have a say in what the employer provides.

    Want to lower the cost, start with tort reform.

    Bottom line, the EMPLOYER doesn’t owe anything in regard to health insurance and neither does the government.

    • January 25, 2015 at 12:50 pm
      john says:
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      when wage controls were instituted. ???

  • November 20, 2009 at 6:40 am
    County Line says:
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    Granted, it is a hard reality that Jay’s family’s employer does not fund their health insurance on top of their wages. But the fact they have a job these days is a real blessing. Perhaps Jay prefers the employer cut the wages and then use the difference to fund a group health plan? In this hyper-competitive global marketplace, our employers have little else they can do and stay in business.

    Maybe the employer in this case greedily exploits the employees, but it’s a free country: Move to a better job, learn a higher paying skill. Use your liberties; the ones that made this a great country. Jay, have you forgotten what our forefathers did in much tougher times?

    What made us the land of the free and the home of the brave is not a victim mentality. Our liberties and rewards for personal responsiblity make us unique in the world, so seize the opportunity you and your kids have. Make yourselves stronger and prouder, rather than weaker recipiens of yet another entitlement.

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