Calif. Insurance Commissioner Poizner Trailing in Governor’s Race

By | January 25, 2010

  • January 25, 2010 at 3:53 am
    matt says:
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    It sounds like her close ties to McCain & Romney and her support of CA prop 4 & prop 8 will win her some votes in the conservative realm, but what will this same bloc think of her support of Barbara Boxer in ’04?

    She touts her experience building eBay, but didn’t her last two years there see a 50% reduction in shareholder value? And what about the disastrous Skype acquisition?

    According to the WSJ, quoting Poizner, [Whitman] “is a marketing expert… If folks want to rebrand the state, they’ll vote for her. If they want to rebuild it, they’ll vote for me.”

    Her bio notes past experience as a brand manager for Proctor & Gamble, strategic planning for Walt Disney, and oversight of global marketing for children’s brands at Hasbro. So it would seem Poizner’s “marketer” comment has a basis in history.

    So what does California think of the potential replacement for “The Governator”?

  • January 25, 2010 at 4:33 am
    Mike Mansel says:
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    Let’s hope Meg’s lead continues for Poizer is clearly unqualified. Who else would supress a Workers Compensation rate increase but allow the Experience Modification factors to be mucked about with thus in effect producing a rate increase

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