Budget Shortfall Forces Oregon Insurance Division to Close Some Days

June 16, 2010

  • June 16, 2010 at 3:28 am
    California Actuary says:
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    This department is one of the most efficient and helpful insurance regulators in the country. I do feel bad for them.

  • June 17, 2010 at 7:31 am
    Ralph says:
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    Agree it’s too bad, but symptomatic of a deeper problem. Why isn’t anyone asking the magic question “why is there a deficit of this magnitude?” Oregon isn’t unique in this problem. NOBODY in ANY government has ever been held accountable for deficits. SOMEBODY failed to manage taxpayer dollars for a very long time. Most RESPONSIBLE business react immediately to being “over budget”. They find out why and do something to prevent it. Governments just keep plodding along letting the red in flow until things get really bad. There is no shortage of tax dollars already being paid. There is, incompetence an lack of accountability. Until/unless we elect intelligent business minded people and hold them accountable, this will continue. There has to be legitimate ways to reduce spending without always penalizing the people who pay taxes.

  • June 17, 2010 at 6:39 am
    California Actuary says:
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    Hi Ralph:

    I was just comparing their organization to California. A lot more efficient with better attitudes. Oregon probably has nearly as many insurance market as CA, but they are clear and simple in what they want. The employees really seem to take the job seriously.

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