Democrat Jones Wins California Insurance Commissioner Race

By | November 3, 2010

  • November 3, 2010 at 9:29 am
    Mold Truth says:
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    Congrats Dave Jones

    The Insurance companies in California that have been shifting their burden to the taxpayors are nervous this morning after spending millions to beat you. The injured workers of Toyota of Poway are a great example of Insurance companies like corvel shifting their burden to taxpayors. To view information on injured Toyota workers please visit

  • November 3, 2010 at 10:57 am
    Maria Alvarez-Garcia says:
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    I am so sorry Mr. Jones defeated Michael Villines. The people made a mistake by not choosing a man who is first of all honest, caring for peoples rights, committed, kind and good hearted. He has been a god sent to my family. We are not related nor or we good friends he has just been there when we needed him most. Thanks to him and his commitment to my precious grandson Adam, Adam’s Law (AB 1280) was signed by our governor on 9/27/10.
    WE LOVE YOU MIKE… Maria Alvarez-Garcia

  • November 3, 2010 at 2:04 am
    Jack Sparrow says:
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    Davey Jones is it? Avast ye scum, prepare to meet your doom!

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