Farmers Group Names Dailey President, COO; CEO Woudstra Retiring in 2011

December 20, 2010

  • December 20, 2010 at 8:14 am
    BEEN THERE says:
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    I too left 6 years ago, after myself and my family gave FIG decades of representation. The funny thing about Mr. Bailey is that the first and only time I ever saw him was in a video 2 years ago,on a panel led by KING PAUL ( who stabbed Feinstein in the back) BS ing Zurich. I thought at the time he was perfect, he was confidently arrogant, and it was evident he was already promised the throne on Wilshire Blvd. He can be seen on the 2008 Farmers financial report to Zurich……

  • December 20, 2010 at 9:57 am
    Happy X Fig agent says:
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    I am also happy to be away from these guys after years of service. The cool thing is I have written back almost all my clients after the 12 month no compete! I believe they are preparing for some major change in the way they operate. Watching them run off agents and DM’s that were hard working knowing they would lose the business makes no sense unless someyhing is on the way! Good luck to the loyal lamds in the field!

  • December 20, 2010 at 1:54 am
    anon the mouse says:
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    Well take it from me all of your blindly optimistic Farmers agents, you had better sell your contract value while you still have it. These boys and some ladies will steal you blind and leave you owing the company earned premium.

  • December 20, 2010 at 6:59 am
    Ramaman says:
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    By the time I left Farmers as a 24 year agent just under three years ago, I had only lost $3,000 of my highest contract value. I could see the hand writing on the wall then and am glad I left when I did. Talking with some of the still current agents in my district it sounds like they have not been having much fun since then. It hurts to watch your business value go down, down, down with no control over the cause. Good luck down the road to the agents that are left.

  • March 25, 2011 at 3:21 pm
    District agent 66 says:
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    Maybe Jeff Dailey will fix it so some DM’s aka Thomas Mundell district #66 will not give polices to some agents for sex! I hope he is a man of integretity as that is what Farmers needs! Not taking advantage of agents that need polices with forced sex acts! If I a wrong you can always sue me (Please do) Thomas but everyone knows it is true and you are the scum bag at Farmers Insurance!

  • April 23, 2011 at 9:53 pm
    District agent says:
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    I can only hope that Jeff Dailey will bring back etichs to Farmers Insurance and I hope that he will as he seems like a nice straight forward Ceo! When you have DM’s like married Thomas Mundell #66 that has sex with his married agents for “PIF” = money and everyone knows about it! I do not think that this is etichs in the past and he still laughs now that his assistant Dm does all his work for him so he can have his daily sex trips at hotels. Why are some DM’S so over paid to be able to do this? I do not find any etichs at all here! There are others but he is bye far the worst and the only one we will bring up (ever) as I think that if you make an example of one there will be no others doing the same thing! >>> I should say this was all in the past as Mr Dailey President is now in charge! I am sorry Mr. Jeff Dailey to bring this up as I am sure you have a lot on your plate right now! It comes down to only 2 things! #1 sue us! #2 or take care of the farmers etichs problems! ps: We are hackers against pedofiles. This is on Thomas mundell’s hard drive and he paid for one of these It was the only one non nude that we could find that he had so I hope since it is non nude it will be allowed to stay as thomas has alot worse then this! Perhaps you now know another reason we are ticked off! Farmers either has etichs or not! good day sir and good luck with Farmers Insurance! Please someone forward this to Mr Jeff Dailey Email address or fax or write him! We have all of farmers email address 14,000+ and fax’s numbers, or someone can write a letter to him. We chose to do things only the appropriate way and not use email address that we should not have or use! Even we try and have etichs and do things only the right way! Good day sir! Ps: Thomas all your sex email’s to people are still on your hard drive idiot and we copied it and have your ip address’s. Your craiglist sex requets Thomas is just plain sick! Good luck. Please bring back etichs Mr. Jeff Dailey. Thank you!

  • June 4, 2012 at 7:39 pm
    Janice Lutz says:
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    Farmers Ins. and Helppoint claims are “BAD FAITH” providers!! They lie, low ball, refuse to pay for broken property. Hope it doesn’t happen to you!!

  • September 5, 2014 at 1:32 pm
    Kenny says:
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    Dear Farmers /Jeff Dailey

    You should be a shame of yourself .I have a my Condo insured with you.I got a call from my tenant who is an officer for 20 years in the United States Airforce.Training young men for war .I got a call from him that there was water leaking from above from the Condo above me.I called Farmers who we have insurance with, and they sent out there adjuster Connor Hughes .He did not find out where water was leaking and with all the mildew did not offer my tenant service pro or to remove water from the carpets.We where called by Connor Hughes to tell us even before he knew what kind of a leak it was coming, that he was not going to honor our policy. He said he could not tell if it was a leak or burst of water causing the damage from above .He never had a plumber check where it was coming from. This Airforce officer trains soldiers from 5:00am to 8:00pm and has to come home to mildew and wet rugs ,and damaged stained walls.I attended to use every social media means, including TV news programs. As far as I am concern Farmers is stealing my monthly premiums to spend on millions on deceptive commercials and would not honor my policy and could not assist a soldier in s crisis..claim# 3001455731-1

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