California Rain Shatters Records; More Coming

By | December 21, 2010

  • December 21, 2010 at 2:02 am
    NO Tolerance says:
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    The insurance commissioner states during this time of heavy rain that “homeowners should evaluate their needs for flood insurance and other supplimental insurance” He didn’t tell the population about the 30 day waiting period for coverage if they apply.
    Maybe he should have been on the TV talking about the importance of flood insurance last June.

  • December 21, 2010 at 5:45 am
    CA Agent says:
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    Although I’m not a huge fan of Poizner, his press release does mention a flood policy will typically take 30 days before it is in force.

    But just like earthquake insurance, people reject it and then the need arises and they are SOL.

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