Montana Workers’ Comp Claims Decrease 5%

April 1, 2011

  • April 2, 2011 at 4:49 pm
    Gary Oppelt says:
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    Had a work related accident in early 08, company did no accident report , until I was in great pain. At 53 years of age a fall like that could take you out of the game,well it has and i have no recourse for help WC has inactivated my claim , I have been after them to reopen it but constantly get the runaround and put off. They denied a referral claim and refuse to take responceability for their actions, typical for insurance co in todays , I’ll take your money but don’t expect anything in return.. thanks STATE FUND, AND Shannon Hadley.. All the best GaryO..O by the way I love the new building in down town Helena, glad you had the funds to put that together at the expense of others pain and suffering.I hope someone important see’s this and can do something about this case.If you can contact me and I’ll give you a case # TUVM..

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