Wave of Lawsuits Hits Calif. Retail Stores

June 20, 2011

  • June 20, 2011 at 1:34 pm
    Charlie says:
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    The next time somebody tells lawyers are an important part of our commercial fabric, you can show them this. Nobody benifits from this—except the lawyers.

    • June 20, 2011 at 3:28 pm
      Frank says:
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      Evil lawyers, evil agents, evil doctors, evil police officers, evil teachers, evil politicians, evil babysitters…..

      What do you call it when you take a small sample size and use it to generalize about an entire group or segment?

      There’s like a quarter million lawyers in CA and a few dozen trying to work this (as the article states).

    • June 27, 2011 at 2:13 pm
      d. kerrigan says:
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      You are missing the real problem nationwide but it’s more extreme in Calif. It’s in the legislature (bought by labor and other liberal interests) and courts (packed with liberal sympathizers) and self-interested voting by the army of people on all types of govt aid but pay little or no taxes and don’t contribute to society. They make the ridiculous rules that allow the very small percentage of money-hungry Plaintiff attorneys to abuse the system for the ill-gotten gain of their clients and them. There will always be a minortity of princile-less people in any occupation, waiting to take advantage of a corrupt system. We have to oust the “lawmakers” who created this dysfunctional, corrupt system. Do we already have too-many parasites voting their undeserved self-interest to reverse this? How do you vote? Do you inform yourself with real info and explain it to people you know?

  • June 20, 2011 at 2:22 pm
    Tom Wasson says:
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    If they win this suit, I am all for every liberal judge in America to be made to burn their nice black robes. Then resign. Also, we can let California out of the Union and be their own country so their case law has no precident affecting the other 49 states. Will the plaintiff lawyers ever stop trying to ruin our economy ?

  • June 20, 2011 at 2:54 pm
    D says:
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    More gaming the system by the legal profession. I suppose they have run out of small businesses to steal from via ADA lawsuits.

  • June 20, 2011 at 2:57 pm
    CSP says:
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    What law is this idiocy based upon? Is it based on being handicapped because they are obese?

    Standing burns more calories, induces weight lose and muscle tone for proper balance.

    • June 21, 2011 at 2:20 am
      Disabled Person says:
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      I happen to be disabled due to a workplace injury. I can not stand due to the injury being in my legs. How dare you say that about disabled persons. You are probably one of those that looks down on those of us that have worked our butts off for little pay and got injured doing so.

  • June 20, 2011 at 6:11 pm
    Randall Simmonds says:
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    This kind of stuff is part of the reason i joined the company i did. I provide businesses and individuals with legal insurance and you would be shocked how many of them will tell you that they don’t think their business is at risk of a lawsuit. We live in the (S)U(E).S.A and people have turned the Justice System into a plan b for income.

  • June 21, 2011 at 11:26 am
    Hillsborough agent says:
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    “The more I think about it, Old Billy was right. Let’s kill all the lawyers, kill ’em tonight.”

  • June 21, 2011 at 12:50 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    you know this would great if we would apply this to those folks that use the handicap space but are not themselves handicapped or have someone w/them that is handicap. what do you think? another way to make money for the gov’t? crazy!! what i don’t understand, is that when folks apply for these jobs, it does require them to be on their feet! does that mean the cart chaser needs a motorized golfcart to retrieve the carts because he has to be able to sit? where is society going? or should we finally tell these lawyers to pay out of their own pockets for these frivilous suits that will get tossed! or will this wind up at the supreme court?

  • June 21, 2011 at 2:31 pm
    Had enough! says:
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    Just how much more evidence do we need to see the damage attorneys like cause to this country?? We have more attorneys per person in this country than any other country in the world!

    It’s insulting to hear their “plight to save their fellow man” when it’s motivated purely by greed. If we capped their fees/awards at 15%, half this crap would go away….along with those God-awful TV ads.

  • June 22, 2011 at 11:02 am
    Geoff says:
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    Having been a welder for 16 years, working in a machine shop, working on job sites. I think that the people doing the hiring need to make it clear that the environment you may be working in requires long periods of standing, may require heavy lifting, constant bending etc. No need for silly lawsuits …. try common sense instead.

  • June 22, 2011 at 1:56 pm
    John says:
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    What a farse! California once again is the leader of (all) things wrong in the USA today. The sobering part of this is if they win, it will spread to other states with similar loop holes.

    The question I have is which employee in the interview did not realize that being a cashier required you to stand.

    I wonder how many years the lawsuit goes back. The car-hops of the 1950’s did not have chairs either!

    • June 27, 2011 at 1:35 pm
      Vince says:
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      First off, it’s Farce not Farse. Secondly, yeah those californians do suck don’t they? Of the many things wrong with California we should include the following: the state makes up 13% of the total US gdp and is the 8th largest economic entity in the world. Over the last 2 decades they created a fourfould increase in Ag output while suffering a 15% reduction in available farm acreage. They are home to: 3 nfl teams, 5 mlb teams, 4 nba teams, 3 nhl teams, (ignoring soccer). In addition, California produces nearly all of the U.S. supply of: walnuts, pistachios, prunes, olives, apricots, almonds, figs, dates, kiwi, nectarines and leads the country for production of avocados, grapes, all melon varietals, peches, and more. And lets not forget cotton. Only texas grows more. They are home to the following evil evil companies: Chevron (200K employees), HP (91K employees), McKesson (88K employees), Northrup Grummon (123K employees) Walt Disney (144K employees), Dole (75K employees), Apple (19K employees), Adobe (3K employees). And the following even more evil companies (not publicly traded so heaven only knows what’s going on behind their even more tightly closed doors): Levi Strauss, Sunkist, and Del Monte. So by all means, lets kick them the hell out of the union so we can get back to the business of eating their food, using their technology, and watching their television and paying import fees on all of it. Get a freaking grip people.

  • June 27, 2011 at 10:34 am
    Jdoe says:
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    Even though I agree that lawyers in this case will be the only ones profiting, as someone who long ago worked in retail, I can say from my experience that the retailers are really lousy at providing a place for workers to take their breaks. Inadequate facilities, the barest of bones seating (and usually not enough), and really lousy at providing cashiers (in particular) bathroom breaks.

    • June 27, 2011 at 1:26 pm
      SJ Resident says:
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      That’s why its called “work”. Bathroom breaks??? Unless you have a bladder issue, once during your 10 min coffee break, once at lunch, and then again at your afternoon coffee break is more than enough. I am tired of the obese calling themselves “handicapped”. Having an eating problem and lack of exercise is not handicapped. It is a lifestyle that is destroying America. Luckily for us, the retailers can not move their jobs to China/India due to govt regulations and worker demands because that is the only thing let in this country. However…. watch out for more of the self service checkout lanes so they don’t have to pay for more seats or lazy people who couldn’t educate themselves to get beyond a job at the Walmart (don’t forget to make the self serve checkout lane large enough for that electric fat persons cart)!!!!

      • June 27, 2011 at 1:42 pm
        Jdoe says:
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        SJ Resident:

        Your comments come across as hateful… there are many young, educated people who are working in retail due to a soft job market. People don’t always take the jobs they want– they take the jobs they NEED.

        • June 27, 2011 at 1:50 pm
          SJ Resident says:
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          No doubt there are many taking jobs they don’t want. Those “young people” are the product of a Nintendo nation. When I was in school I worked 2 jobs, both of which required me to be on my feet all day. You can’t lay down blacktop or paint a house from a chair!!!!! Get your can out of the video chair and go ride a damn bicycle somewhere. I am so tired of kids acting like helpless morons and the helicopter parent hovering over them to protect them. You can not learn to walk if you just sit on your buns when you fall!! Hateful? NO!!! Ticked off at the woe is me attitude, yes. If your job sucks so bad because you have to stand up all day, then leave. With 10% unemployement, there are plenty that are willing to take your place. From the lowest paid retail person, to the top tier executive, if you ever want to see how “irreplaceable you are”, stick your hand in a glass of water, imagine you are the hand. Now pull it out. See how quickly your spot got filled!!!!

  • June 27, 2011 at 10:39 am
    TxLady says:
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    I have worked in many positions over the course of my life that required standing to do my job. That is a known quantity when you apply for the job. If you cannot stand, then you do not apply for a job that requires it. Therefore, if you can’t spend your workday standing, do not apply to be a construction worker, mailman, policeman, firefighter, haridresser, retail saleperson, waiter or waitress, flight attendant, etc. I have also hired many file clerks over the years and explained that they will spend the day on their feet, stooping, bending, and filing and when we say all day we really mean it. Every once in a while someone would quit after a few days saying “I really did not think you meant it when you said I’d be standing all day”. The answer is not a law suit for everything. Let’s pass legislation where those that bring frivilous lawsuits must pay the costs of the other party. That would cut down on the number of these ridiculous cases.

  • June 27, 2011 at 11:10 am
    Carey says:
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    No….NOT California they are always so prudent about their laws ! Whats next? Will an employer be required to provide a Segway for each employee so they don’t have to walk? I did my stint in retail and I didn’t need a chair or a Segway…

  • June 27, 2011 at 11:14 am
    wudchuck says:
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    ok, if you have not heard, there will be a round of lawsuits won by retailers… over the sale of violent games to kids under 18, including rental of those kind of games… if that is the case, then here’s the chance for some lawyer to make money and worthiness to define why i can’t have my kids goto movies that are rated r for violence… much less x rated since some video games include that… i can see another wave of lawyers going for the money!

  • June 27, 2011 at 3:54 pm
    An Actuary says:
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    Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George brought in a chair for the security guard so he didn’t have to stand all day and the guard fell asleep in his chair and the store was robbed. In this case, though, seems the general public will be the ones who are robbed in the end.

  • June 28, 2011 at 12:11 am
    takeaminute says:
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    While this lawsuit may, in fact, be frivolous, please remember that plaintiff’s attorneys stake their income on what they are able to accomplish for their clients, the VAST majority of whom are truly injured, or have been discriminated against.

    God forbid any of you who are complaining here and wishing death on the plaintiff’s bar are ever injured through no fault of your own; or lose a job because of the color of your skin, or a disability; or fall victim to a defective product; or are taken advantage of by some fraudulent scheme that erases your life savings, or . . . You get my point, I assume? It’s very easy to vilify the lawyers until you need one.

    Most of you seem to be missing the point that if the legislature had not mandated however many chairs per person (probably because some lobby encouraged them to do so), then these suits would never have happened.

    Please, think before you sling mud

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