Nevada Trucking Company Countersues Amtrak Over Crash

August 2, 2011

  • August 2, 2011 at 1:56 pm
    Big Mike In CA says:
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    “(The) truck crashed through the crossing gates about 70 miles east of Reno and into one of the cars.”

    It says it plain as day, the truck CRASHED THROUGH the crossing gates! How is it now the railroads’ fault this accident occurred? Based on what I read online last month about it, it appeared the truck driver either (A)suffered some sort of medical event at the wheel, thus impairing his (or her) ability to control the truck, or (B) they were just plain suicidal, and saw their opportunity comin’ round the mountain, six white horses and all!

    This one here seems like sour apples on the part of the trucking company…

    (No disrespect to those who lost their lives in this accident.)

  • August 2, 2011 at 3:10 pm
    Publicus says:
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    A Rule 12(b)(6) motion will address what is a clearly spurious counterclaim and defense. This company has a history of assorted safety and driving violations multiple pages long. The lawyer who is representing them should also, ultimately, be censured or disciplined.

  • August 2, 2011 at 6:12 pm
    tom wilkins says:
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    I’m confident Davis had at least $6mil due to their contracts at the mines. Anyone have any idea who their carrier is? Big loss for them!

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