Consumer Watchdog Failure Could Help Auto Discount Initiative

By | June 29, 2012

  • July 2, 2012 at 2:35 pm
    Reality Check says:
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    Consumer Watchdog should send their increased Health Insurance premium bill to Obama since like Gore and the Internet…He created it.

  • July 2, 2012 at 5:41 pm
    Bartleby says:
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    This law is pure and unadulterated idiocy. So if this law goes through, the ONLY thing insurers can rate upon is claims and violations?

    So preferred clients will hate this law and nonstandard clients will love this law. Insured pays their bill an average of 22 days late? Who cares! Insured swaps carriers every month and a half? No big deal! None of this matters!

    That means the people who behave responsibility will bear even MORE of the burden for those who do not.


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