Calif. Drivers Will Be Allowed To Text, With Restrictions

July 16, 2012

  • July 16, 2012 at 3:58 pm
    Frank R says:
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    All forms of hand-held cellphone use should be BANNED while driving. Here in North Carolina, there have been 5 major wrecks in just 3 years on one corner by my house. I had to veer into an embankment once to avoid a cell phone user.

    Every week I drive by that corner, and see a woman (sorry to offend but it was always a woman) is gazing into space while deeply immersed in a conversation and crossing the intersection with an SUV simultaneously. Cellphones are deaths waiting to happen

  • July 17, 2012 at 1:29 pm
    Sam Davis says:
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    Remind me not to drive in California.

    A large part of the risk inherent in this activity, as well as talking on a cell phone, is not the taking eyes off the road. Rather, it’s the significant reduction of concentration as:

    1) The driver’s brain receives input from a non-typical source, and has to interpret it;

    2) After processing the information, the driver keeps diverting attention to a response, in whatever form.

    Even though it’s not immediately obvious, it is very different from listening to a passenger and talking back (although that too can be somewhat distracting. In the case of a passenger, the driver has spatially located the source, and is therefore less diverted.

    How many California (and other states’) drivers will have to die before this basic fact appears as “NEWS!” on the internet in 2018?

    Drivers who do this should be charged a far higher rate, and prayers said for those drivers around them.

  • July 17, 2012 at 2:13 pm
    Reason says:
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    Cell phones are not the only issue here. Those same people driving like crap with a phone in their hand still drive like crap without it.

    I can simultaneously eat, hold a big gulp, talk on the phone, change radio stations, slap my kid in the back seat, and give some bad driver the finger all while maintaining perfect control of my vehicle.

    Drivers today are inept. The self centered culture combined with the current pervasive necessity for instant gratification has created a society of twits barely capable of a coherent sentence (OMG), let alone pilot a two ton vehicle with anything resembling skill or responsibility. If JB thinks allowing said twits to dictate instead of text is going to solve the problem, he is dumber than I estimated.

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