Prop. 33 Proponents: Ballot Writers Don’t Understand Insurance Industry

By | August 1, 2012

  • August 2, 2012 at 2:10 pm
    Frustrated consumer says:
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    The DOI approves and “Sets” all rates in CA. This initiative offers a discount or reduction in those set rates for having prior coverage. If you don’t have prior coverage you pay the rate set by the DOI. You do not pay an INCREASED rate. There is no increase! It does not “Allow an increase cost for drivers who do not have a history of continouse insurance”! You either pay the set rate or if you qualify you pay a discounted rate. Why is a group that claims to be for the consumer trying to make everyone pay the full price? Why are they so against helping some of the people save money?

  • August 2, 2012 at 5:10 pm
    Pound Master says:
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    I agree Frustrated… Consumer watch dog is more of a law suit happy company looking at the deep pockets of an insurance company. Dead beats that are uninsured need a little reality check that they didn’t beat the system. Going uninsured and avoiding responsibility is what this displays. Seems a surcharge / or a discount for the responsible is on the level. Instead of attempt to recover “consumer watch dog” wants to increase the decline. Not to smart for a bunch of attorneys.

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