L.A. County Pays $2M To Settle Deputy Force Suits

August 2, 2012

  • August 2, 2012 at 2:00 pm
    incognito says:
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    These idiots that are getting rewarded, all had issues to begin with. It’s so easy to blame the police for wrong doing! Try making a decision in a nano-second and see what you come up with, I don’t agree with excessive or abusive behavior, but seriously we are opening the doors for ill behavior and dis-respect for our law enforcement! When do we say enough already and hold people accountable.

  • August 3, 2012 at 3:03 am
    Dale Ogden says:
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    Not knowing the details of the cases, I can only assume that the County’s legal advisers told them they were likely to lose. But whether of nor anyone did anything wrong, who pays? The LA County taxpayers, that’s who. I doubt any of the officers lost their jobs or any of their perks but the taxpayers, as usual, pick up the tab either for errant or trigger-happy cops or for the detritus of humanity who created the situations wherein cops had to use force. Always the chump taxpayer, who did absolutely nothing, gets screwed.

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