Ariz. Medical Marijuana Applicants Await Lottery

August 7, 2012

  • August 7, 2012 at 2:47 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    Hopefully the State Police will be sitting there waiting to arrest each businessowner that opens one up and starts selling their product since it is against Federal law. Oh wait, are the Feds going to enforce this one or decide to let them operate. I get so confused on what laws our Federal Government chooses to enforce. So no to pot and yes on illegals? I just want to get this straight so I know what I can or cannot do anymore. I understand ignorance of the law is no excuse, but how can they enforce ignorance of what laws the Federal Government chooses to enforce?

  • August 8, 2012 at 9:42 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    The DEA continues to make arrests in CA and other states that have adopted 215. As I understand it, if the State passes the bill, the State Police wouldn’t be the ones doing any arresting. They would have to follow the law enacted by the State. But, the Feds could. But, who cares? We should worry less about some people getting high and more about people drinking and driving. Statistically, the latter impacts a community and the nation overall in grossly more ways than does someone smoking a joint. It was legal during prohibition and once alcohol came back on the scene, propaganda told us only minorities smoke it and it’s going to make them want to get with your white woman and go crazy. Also, jazz music. Ahhhhhhhh, the horror!

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